
European Union court clears way for judicial action against Mohamed Ibrahim

0 Visits: 5778 | Tuesday October 24, 2017 - 00:31:47
On Thursday, 19 October 2017, the European Union trademark court of Alicante in Spain decreed admissible judicial action against Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Nur, Moalimuu, based on claims of counterfeiting and misappropriating trademark of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ).

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Somalische Minister houdt Amsterdamse rechter vals bewijs Voor

0 Visits: 6329 | Monday September 18, 2017 - 04:18:21
Advocaat Schouten: "De rollen worden omgedraaid. Doorgaans wordt de journalist gezien als een publieke waakhond en niet de regeringsleden waarover zij kritisch schrijven. Het is extra wrang dat de rechter zich daarbij baseert op een artikel in The Guardian, waarvan mijn cliënt vorig jaar al heeft…

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Somalia: Alshabab's death list emerges after its Mogadishu's terror mastermind was killed by US areal strike=

0 Visits: 11503 | Sunday September 10, 2017 - 23:57:37 – An American unmanned drone launched a missile attack on one of Alshabab's most cold-blooded leaders on Sunday, 30 July 2017 in southern Somalia. The drove attack killed a man, who is dubbed the cruelest terror mastermind in the Mogadishu's history.

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Somalia violated domestic and international law in extraditing Qalbi Dhagah

0 Visits: 5671 | Sunday September 10, 2017 - 00:31:10 - The government grossly violated the Constitution and International Laws in handing over ONLF senior leader Qalbi Dhagah to Ethiopia, an international legal expert has said noting the government failed to study the relevant laws before acceding to Ethiopia's request to surrender the…

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Somalia: Jubba airways manager joined pro Qatar camp

0 Visits: 6882 | Saturday September 09, 2017 - 22:43:36 - Somali MP Said Nur Gariish joined a Somali group that advocate for the support of Qatar government. The MP failed to be neutral like other members of parliament.

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Somalia: Rule of Law vs. Rule of Men

0 Visits: 8108 | Thursday September 07, 2017 - 22:23:44 - "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic…

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impeachment motion against Somalia President - treason

1 Visits: 6708 | Wednesday September 06, 2017 - 18:54:08 - 110 MPs and senators have signed motion that asks removal of Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, whom they accuse of treason after he violated article 36 & 37 of the Somali constitution.

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US doesn't need Ethiopia in its war on terror in the Horn of Africa

0 Visits: 6992 | Monday May 08, 2017 - 22:22:11
Earlier this month, U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis visited the Middle East and Africa to "reaffirm key U.S. military alliances" and engage with strategic partners." Mattis only visited the tiny nation of Djibouti in the Horn of Africa where the U.S. maintains its largest military base.…

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NUSOJ condemns fresh ploy by the Ministry of Information to "undercut independent media"

0 Visits: 6705 | Sunday May 07, 2017 - 06:03:51
6 May 2017: The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) strongly condemns the fresh efforts by the Ministry of Information of Somalia to control and undercut independent media through ministry-owned strategy.

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MP Duhulow undermining the Somali PM credibility

0 Visits: 6993 | Wednesday April 26, 2017 - 09:56:31 - He is a member of parliament who was selected by intimidation of elders and cash payments, and once he was a minister but currently a "gateman of the office of Somali Premier Hassan Ali Khaire"

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Somali president is overrated by con artists.

0 Visits: 8120 | Tuesday April 25, 2017 - 12:23:36 - With immense exceptions and need for political change Somalis were joyful when Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was elected but immediately within the first two months that dream was lost in thin air.

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President of twitter and facebook not of Somalia.

0 Visits: 6570 | Monday April 24, 2017 - 04:17:56 - Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo who was elected by Somali parliament after vote buying is becoming "master of showoff" who ignores the reality on the ground.

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AFEX Denounces Two-Year Jail Sentence of Independent Journalist in Somaliland

0 Visits: 5813 | Wednesday April 12, 2017 - 04:24:36
April 11, 2017: The African Freedom of Expression Exchange (AFEX) joins its member, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) to strongly condemn the sentencing of independent journalist, Abdimalik Muse Oldon to two years in prison by the Marodi Jeeh Regional Court in Somaliland's capital…

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Somali president's honeymoon is over after failed promises, and lies, observers

0 Visits: 6198 | Tuesday April 11, 2017 - 03:24:32 - The Somali president made huge promises based on emotional patriotism that could not be fulfilled by clannish element like him.

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0 Visits: 6557 | Sunday April 02, 2017 - 23:54:41
March 8, 2017 The political and security advisors of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Federal Member State (FMS) leadership met for a 3-day workshop (March 6-8, 2017) to discuss the open political questions relating to the national security architecture.

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Airstrike Kills Dozens of Somali Migrants Off Yemen's Coast

0 Visits: 5889 | Saturday March 18, 2017 - 07:26:23
SANA, Yemen — More than 30 Somali migrants, including children, were killed in the Red Sea on Friday when a military helicopter opened fire on their boat, according to Yemeni and United Nations officials.

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Ethiopian military and political backing for sale by a corrupt officer called Gabre Part 1

2 Visits: 7595 | Thursday February 02, 2017 - 03:27:18
The most Ethiopian corrupt military officer who is called Haile Gabre known by Somalis as General Gabre becoming extremely wealthy from the huge sums of money that he is getting from opportunistic Somali politicians who want to buy the sympathy of Addis Ababa, one of his juniors told Waagacusub anonymously.

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Somalia: Underage minority girl raped and knifed as video showed

0 Visits: 8555 | Tuesday January 17, 2017 - 06:08:38 - A group of boys raped a young underage girl from minority subclan by cutting her with knife and threatening her to kill.

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Dutch Court of Appeal does not clear Dahabshiil of Terror and Criminal Allegations

0 Visits: 6695 | Wednesday January 11, 2017 - 03:48:14
PRESS RELEASE The Netherlands, 6 January 2017

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Somali migrant smuggling network in Europe dismantled

0 Visits: 6410 | Sunday December 11, 2016 - 12:47:08
On 6 and 7 December 2016, judicial and law enforcement authorities from France and the Netherlands, supported on-the-spot by Europol's European Migrant Smuggling Centre, took action against an organised crime network suspected of having smuggled some 500 migrants from Somalia to different destination…

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