Somali president is overrated by con artists.

Tuesday April 25, 2017 - 12:23:36 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somali president is overrated by con artists. - With immense exceptions and need for political change Somalis were joyful when Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was elected but immediately within the first two months that dream was lost in thin air.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - With immense exceptions and need for political change Somalis were joyful when Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo was elected but immediately within the first two months that dream was lost in thin air.

"We have been misguided by scum artists who were paid to exaggerate an aimless fellow," Abdurahman Hassan Elmi, a businessman said.

"Farmajo is the weakest link in our national politics, he is a waste of time,"  he said. 

The propagandists who presented Farmajo's "magic formula" promised that he will overcome the difficulties we have been facing since independence in 1960.

"But the same elements started giving flimsy excuse for his dormant policy and delay of making any tangible change." Abdullahi Mohamed Diriye said.

Dirie who is a retired teacher added that Somalis were cheated and betrayed.

"The new Somali president came to power when we needed change but he proved that he make no positive change," added Dirie.

Most people lost hope after political nomination by Farmajo was full of recycled lazy politicians that were previously tested by Somalis. 

His selection also favors nepotism rather that merit.  

The president spent most of his effort on personal image building rather than nation building, according to a western diplomat who declined to be named.

"When we saw how the somali people were enthusiastic after the election of Farmajo the international community expected real development," said the diplomat.

 He added that "but we came to the conclusion that there was simply a change of a guard but not of a substance.”

By Mohamud Sheikh Ibrahim

London, the United Kingdom 

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