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    March 8, 2017 The political and security advisors of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Federal Member State (FMS) leadership met for a 3-day workshop (March 6-8, 2017) to discuss the open political questions relating to the national securi

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March 8, 2017 The political and security advisors of the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and Federal Member State (FMS) leadership met for a 3-day workshop (March 6-8, 2017) to discuss the open political questions relating to the national security architecture.

The following points represent a summary of the recommendations they will take back to their leadership to propose for further discussion and endorsement at the next National Security Council meeting.

These recommendations take into consideration and are built upon the existing National Security Policy and the New Policing Model.

Top-Line Figures

Recognizing the challenges of Somali budget and revenue generation, recommend that:

  1. TheSomaliNationalArmy(SNA)shallnumber18,000,excludingspecialforces(e.g., Danab), air force and navy.

  2. Somali police forces shall number 32,000, separated into Federal Police and State Police as per the New Policing Model. This expanded figure shall include Coastguard, as well as Darwish.

Distribution & Composition

  1. The existing SNA sectors shall beredrawntoalign with FMS boundariestoreflectthe political developments in the country.

  2. The 18,000 SNA shall be distributed across the existing SNA sectors (Divisions and Bases 12, 21, 43, 49, 54, 60). The distribution of the 18,000 SNA after the resectorization to the new FMS-boundary-aligned SNA sectors shall be determined based on military needs and geography. FMS and SNA leadership will participate in any necessary redistribution of forces.

  3. 500DanabspecialforcesshallbeestablishedineachSNAsector,withinputfromthe FMS, reporting to the Danab Brigade HQ in Baledogle and the SNA chain of command.


  1. The distribution of the 32,000 police, between Federal and State-level, and the question of how many of these should be Darwish, is yet to be determined, except that there should be an equitable distribution based on needs.

  2. TheDarwishelementsoftheStatePoliceshallbeareserveforcethatcanbeactivated as SNA units in times of national crisis.

  3. ExistingregionalforceswillthereforebecomepartofSNAorbepartofStatePolice.

  4. Thosearmedpersonnelwhodonotmeettherequirementsforinclusioninanysecurity forces will require comprehensive demobilization and reintegration programs. Given Somalia’s limited resources and the need to reduce security forces substantially, a DDR and rehabilitation program would be instrumental to ensure we do not exacerbate the threat of extremist groups recruiting former security forces personnel.

10.The National Integration Commission will be a crucial component for ensuring the realization of Somali national security forces which represent each FMS and the whole of the country.

Command & Control

11.The Somali National Army is a national force and the President of the Federal Government of Somalia is the commander in chief. He is also the chair of the National Security Council.

12.The National Security Council will include the FMS presidents in addition to the relevant FGS Ministers. FMS participation in National Security Council meetings will be accommodated with technological solutions where necessary.

13.A coordination mechanism shall be put in place to facilitate collaboration and coordination between all security council levels.

14.While the National Security Council will handle policy and strategic matters, the Regional Security Councils will handle implementation. The Regional Security Councils will be chaired by FMS presidents and will include the SNA sector commanders amongst other relevant state-level actors.

15.For external threats, the National Security Council will take direct action. For major operations related to internal threats involving the SNA, the National Security Council shall authorize the scope and methods of the operation, and delegate operational command responsibilities for the relevant SNA sector to the relevant Regional Security Council.

16.In consultation with the FMS presidents, the CDF will propose SNA sector commanders to MoD for approval. In the event of concerns about the performance or


behavior of a particular SNA sector commander, the FMS president may send official communication to the FGS President to report his concerns.

17.Federal Police shall report to the relevant FGS Minister, and State Police shall report to the relevant FMS authorities.


18.The FGS shall be responsible for the salaries and support requirements for the SNA.

19. The FGS shall be responsible for the salaries and support requirements of the Federal Police, and FMS’s shall be responsible for the salaries and support requirements of the State Police. Internationally mobilized resources for the security sector shall be equitably distributed across the federal and FMS levels and amongst the FMS.

20.There should be a federal financial responsibility to support the sections of State Police engaged in active operations against internal threats.

21. These responsibilities above should be in line with the larger constitutional settlement on resource sharing.

The Way Forward

22.These recommendations will be shared with all relevant federal and state level stakeholders.

23.This group of advisors and experts shall reconvene in the first week of April in Mogadishu to feedback on consultations and to prepare for the National Security Council meeting.

24.A National Security Council meeting to be formally convened at the earliest possible opportunity after the formation of a Federal Cabinet, to further discuss and endorse these recommendations.

The FGS and FMS and the international community shall mobilize resources and forces to hasten the defeat of Al-Shabaab and ISIS in a comprehensive manner in order to create an environment in which an AMISOM transition can start at the earliest possible timeline.

This workshop has been a useful forum to bring the relevant stakeholders and experts together to discuss these important issues, and we express our gratitude to the S6 for facilitating this workshop and their continued support in the Somali security sector. 

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