Somalia: Jubba airways manager joined pro Qatar camp

Saturday September 09, 2017 - 22:43:36 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia: Jubba airways manager joined pro Qatar camp - Somali MP Said Nur Gariish joined a Somali group that advocate for the support of Qatar government. The MP failed to be neutral like other members of parliament.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Somali MP Said Nur Gariish joined a Somali group that advocate for the support of Qatar government. The MP failed to be neutral like other members of parliament.

Despite his political maneuvers Mr Gariish has business interest in UAE and Saudi Arabia.

There are several interest group who propagate for the Saudi led countries while others are purely siding on the Qatari side.

Gariish is currently the most staunch supporter of Qatar government.

Analysts in the Somali capital of  Mogadishu are urging the business community to be neutral in the gulf conflict.

It is not immediately clear what prompted Gariish to side with Qatar.

Somali government is on the Qatari bandwagon because the oil rich country contributed cash for the election of current weak Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo. 

The chief Staff in the office of Farmaajo Mr Fahad Yasin Haji Dahir , is believed to be an intelligence  officer of Qatari government. 

Ãbdî Haji Yakub who was an employee of Gariish said that his former boss is making political gamble.

By Jefrey Shippy.

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