
President Farmajo Expelled UN Envoy to Deny Accountability and Justice to Somali Victims

0 Visits: 6590 | Wednesday January 23, 2019 - 06:46:04 - For the last 2 years, the Somali people have been painfully struggling to cope with the shocking reality of leadership failure under President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo elected on high hope of him fostering the statebuilding project (not leading established state) of Federal, Democratic…

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impeachment motion against the President of Somalia - National treason

0 Visits: 6693 | Monday December 24, 2018 - 05:57:46
Members of the National Salvation Caucus in the House of the People who tabled the impeachment motion against the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia hereby declare that they have withdrawn the motion for the sake of the people and country's interest after considering the status quo and…

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Somalia: ASOJ condemns the murder of veteran journalist

0 Visits: 6483 | Sunday December 23, 2018 - 04:04:54
The Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) condemns the murder of veteran journalist and other innocent people by coordinated double suicide bombings in Mogadishu.

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CPJ Report on the harassment & violations of media rights by Mogadishu Mayor Abdirahman Osman.

0 Visits: 6850 | Thursday December 13, 2018 - 18:20:15
Police on November 20, 2018, arrested Nur Ismail Sheikh, an editor for the privately owned website Shaaciye, at a Mogadishu hotel where a government official from the Banadir Regional Administration, had asked to meet him, according to Abdalle Ahmed Mumin, a journalist who is familiar with the case,…

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Top Secret:Ethiopia police commissioner lied about the torture of president Abdi Iley

0 Visits: 10384 | Friday September 14, 2018 - 00:34:48 - Orommo soldiers have tortured former Somali region in Ethiopia president Abdi Mohamud Omar inside the jail, while his mother, Mrs Deeb, and his wife Sadika were with him, independent media reported.

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Belgium has rejected the asylum request of a woman who is a human rights and young girls' activist in Mogadishu.

0 Visits: 6125 | Sunday September 02, 2018 - 17:51:08
Government of Belgium has rejected the asylum request of a woman who is a human rights and young girls' activist in Mogadishu. Ifrah Abdi Guled works for the NGO Daryel Association based in Sweden.

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Somaliland: Somtel Dahabshiil Scandal and Violation"Hacking and surveillance may undermine right to privacy"

0 Visits: 9204 | Sunday June 03, 2018 - 05:50:53
Somaliland: "Hacking and surveillance may undermine right to privacy" Although I have been always suspicious of government surveillance, I have never expected a private telecommunication company will act as an agent of the government to seek hacking techniques on its behalf.

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Somalia: The shift from crooked democracy to authoritarianism

0 Visits: 6879 | Thursday May 31, 2018 - 08:24:18 - Somalia's presidential election last year seen as milestone of corruption by some and others as a fresh start for a war ravaged country is looking more and more like a false dawn – a huge opportunity lost.

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Somalia: A Sitch in the Somali parliament

1 Visits: 11638 | Sunday February 18, 2018 - 21:25:00 - Mustaf Ali Duhulow is a member of Somali National Assembly who was sworn to serve his war-torn nation, but he instead decided to serve a neighboring country that has sinister geopolitical interest for minor political advantage.

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A Qatari agent in Somali president office

0 Visits: 9932 | Tuesday February 13, 2018 - 23:19:12 - After one year in the office, the Somali federal government President, Mohamed Abdullahi "Farmaajo" proofed himself to be unreliable and not trustworthy to run the highest national political position, according to a survey made by and ten independent journalists.

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Foreign Entities Dig a Grave to Bury Somalia

0 Visits: 7790 | Thursday January 04, 2018 - 06:38:46
Somalia has significant challenges that may foretell its death, and in fulling this dire prediction, foreign entities are aggressively digging Somalia's grave. Today, there are many authoritative foreign entities who direct Somalia's leadership decisions, and actually dictate policy. These foreign…

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The fake Somaliland election - Warlord Muse Bihi Abdi

0 Visits: 9102 | Wednesday November 22, 2017 - 08:34:39
"The Fake Somaliland NEC" Open letter to the International Community and Somaliland Friends.

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Somalia: Al-Shabaab Mogadishu taxation $10 - $70,000 Monthly - UN Report

0 Visits: 7603 | Saturday November 18, 2017 - 09:44:42
28. Over the course of the present mandate, Al-Shabaab continued to impose taxation on the business community in Somalia (see also S/2016/919, annex 1.6, and S/2015/801, para. 92).

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The UN and Genocide by Starvation in Somalia

0 Visits: 6912 | Saturday November 11, 2017 - 09:06:54 - According to just released information sourced from the UN's Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) and the FSNAU between October 2015 and April 2016, a period of only six months, upwards of 400,000 Somali's, two thirds of whom were children, died of starvation.

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Courageous Dutch lawyer saved my profession of Journalism.

0 Visits: 11422 | Tuesday October 31, 2017 - 00:47:33 - Serving as a media person in Somalia was a horrible exercise that compels you to take many risks including a life-threatening one. The threat is also affecting family members who could be punished because I am exercising my freedom of expression enshrined in the Universal Declaration…

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European Union court clears way for judicial action against Mohamed Ibrahim

0 Visits: 5667 | Tuesday October 24, 2017 - 00:31:47
On Thursday, 19 October 2017, the European Union trademark court of Alicante in Spain decreed admissible judicial action against Mr. Mohamed Ibrahim Nur, Moalimuu, based on claims of counterfeiting and misappropriating trademark of the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ).

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Somalische Minister houdt Amsterdamse rechter vals bewijs Voor

0 Visits: 6210 | Monday September 18, 2017 - 04:18:21
Advocaat Schouten: "De rollen worden omgedraaid. Doorgaans wordt de journalist gezien als een publieke waakhond en niet de regeringsleden waarover zij kritisch schrijven. Het is extra wrang dat de rechter zich daarbij baseert op een artikel in The Guardian, waarvan mijn cliënt vorig jaar al heeft…

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Somalia: Alshabab's death list emerges after its Mogadishu's terror mastermind was killed by US areal strike=

0 Visits: 11349 | Sunday September 10, 2017 - 23:57:37 – An American unmanned drone launched a missile attack on one of Alshabab's most cold-blooded leaders on Sunday, 30 July 2017 in southern Somalia. The drove attack killed a man, who is dubbed the cruelest terror mastermind in the Mogadishu's history.

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Somalia violated domestic and international law in extraditing Qalbi Dhagah

0 Visits: 5580 | Sunday September 10, 2017 - 00:31:10 - The government grossly violated the Constitution and International Laws in handing over ONLF senior leader Qalbi Dhagah to Ethiopia, an international legal expert has said noting the government failed to study the relevant laws before acceding to Ethiopia's request to surrender the…

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Somalia: Jubba airways manager joined pro Qatar camp

0 Visits: 6759 | Saturday September 09, 2017 - 22:43:36 - Somali MP Said Nur Gariish joined a Somali group that advocate for the support of Qatar government. The MP failed to be neutral like other members of parliament.

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