UN Somalia:Underlining the importance of finalising an inclusive political settlement

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    UN Somalia:Underlining the importance of finalising an inclusive political settlement

    Underlining the importance of finalising an inclusive political settlement between the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the Federal Member States (FMS) and recalling the importance of the full implementation of the conditions-based Transiti

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Underlining the importance of finalising an inclusive political settlement between the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the Federal Member States (FMS) and recalling the importance of the full implementation of the conditions-based Transition Plan with clear target dates (Transition Plan) which sets out the progressive transfer of security responsibilities from AMISOM to the Somali Security institutions and forces,

Resolution 2472 (2019)

Adopted by the Security Council at its 8537th meeting, on31 May 2019

The Security Council,

Recalling all its previous resolutions and statements of its President on the

situation in Somalia,

Reaffirming its respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence, and unity of Somalia,

Condemning violations and abuses of international human rights law and violations of international humanitarian law in Somalia, calling on all parties to act in full compliance with international human rights law and international humanitarian law, and further recalling the Working Group Conclusions on Children and ArmedConflict in Somalia (S/AC.51/2017/2),

Condemning Al Shabaab attacks in Somalia and beyond, expressing deep concern at the loss of civilian life from Al Shabaab attacks, and further expressing concern over reports of an increased presence in Somalia of pro-Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant actors,

Paying tribute to the bravery and sacrifices made by the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) and Somali security forces personnel in the fight against AlShabaab, and commending the contribution of AMISOM to lasting peace and stability in Somalia,

Welcoming the support provided by the UN Support Office in Somalia (UNSOS)to AMISOM and the UN Assistance Mission in Somalia (UNSOM), further welcomingpolitical support provided by UNSOM, AMISOM and the AU, and the political andfinancial support from international partners, welcoming the commitment by Somaliaand the UN to strengthen their relationship and in this regard looks forward to the newSpecial Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, taking up their duties,

S/RES/2472 (2019)

Underlining the importance of finalising an inclusive political settlement

between the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the Federal Member States

(FMS) and recalling the importance of the full implementation of the conditions-based

Transition Plan with clear target dates (Transition Plan) which sets out the progressive

transfer of security responsibilities from AMISOM to the Somali Security institutions

and forces,

Expressing grave concern at the humanitarian situation in Somalia, andcommending AMISOMs efforts to create conditions conducive to the delivery ofhumanitarian assistance,

Emphasising the need for adequate risk assessment and risk managementstrategies by the FGS and the UN, of climate change, other ecological changes, naturaldisasters, energy access, and other factors on the stability of Somalia,

Taking note of the 2019 Joint AU-UN Review of AMISOM, the African UnionPeace and Security Councils communiqué of 9 May 2019 on the situation in Somalia,and the Secretary-Generals letter of 10 May on AMISOM,

Determining that the situation in Somalia continues to constitute a threat to international peace and security,

Acting under Chapter VII of the Charter of the United Nations,1.

2. Underlines that the threat of Al Shabaab and other armed opposition groups will not be defeated by military means alone and in this regard, calls on theFGS, FMS, AMISOM, the UN and UN Member states to work together to take a comprehensive approach to security;

3. Recalls its support for the Transition Plan, and underscores the recommendation in the Joint Review 2019 that AMISOMs strategic tasks and priorities be seen primarily in the context of the transition;

4. Underlines the necessity of taking a coordinated and cohesive approach toSomali-led political and security reforms and thereby calls on:

(a) AMISOM, UNSOM, UNSOS, the FGS and FMS to increase coordination and collaboration at all levels, including through the Senior Leadership CoordinationForum and the Comprehensive Approach to Security (CAS) mechanism;

(b) International and regional partners, in coordination with UNSOM and through the CAS mechanism, to coordinate and better align their support to AMISOM and Somalia in line with the Security Pact and to enable delivery of the TransitionPlan, including with respect to mentoring, training, equipment, capacity building, and remuneration of police and military forces;

(c) The FGS, FMS, AMISOM, the UN, the AU and relevant partners, to increase comprehensive joint planning, coordination and information sharing throughthe relevant mechanisms, to enable more effective delivery and monitoring of theTransition Plan;

5. Underscores the need for all stakeholders to take into account the security situation in each location when transitioning, and for locations of drawdowns ofAMISOM personnel to be determined by threat assessments and with due regard to theneed to protect civilians and mitigate risk before, during and after any militaryoperation, underlines that all transitions should be agreed between AMISOM and theSomali security forces and Somali authorities included in strategic and operationaldecision making processes and with the UN and other international partners where

Calls on the FGS and FMS urgently to accelerate progress towards an

inclusive political settlement, that includes: 1) their agreement on resource and power

sharing to be enshrined in the revision of the Provisional Federal Constitution 2) the

establishment of governance and oversight structures, and 3) the delineation of roles

and responsibilities of Somalias security institutions; and further calls on the FGS

and FMS to accelerate security planning for elections, in coordination with AMISOM,

UNSOS, and UNSOM, including to allow an inclusive, peaceful, free and fair one-

person-one-vote in 2020/2021;


appropriate, and reaffirms the essential role of the police and justice sector in stabilisation efforts and the preparation and conduct of elections;

6. Urges the FGS, with the coordinated support of the international community, to focus on the generation of able, accountable, acceptable and affordableSomali forces which will allow the progressive transfer of security responsibilities from AMISOM to the Somali security institutions and create critical security for elections in 2020/2021;

AMISOMPriorities and tasks

7. Decides to authorise the Member States of the AU to maintain the deployment of AMISOM until 31 May 2020, including a minimum of 1,040 AMISOMpolice personnel including five Formed Police Units, and to reduce the level ofuniformed AMISOM personnel by 1000 to a maximum level of 19,626, by28 February 2020, in line with the Transition Plan, and the handover to Somalisecurity forces, unless the Security Council decides to adjust the pace of the reductiontaking into account conditions set out in the Transition Plan, including the ability ofSomalia to generate able, accountable, acceptable and affordable forces, as well asjoint AU/UN/FGS threat assessments of the conditions on the ground, in coordinationwith relevant partners, and invites the UN and AU to develop proposals, based on FGSplans, for handling security aspects of the next elections, including whether there is aneed for a temporary surge in police numbers;

8. Further decides that AMISOM shall be authorised to take all necessarymeasures, in full compliance with participating Statesobligations under internationallaw, including international humanitarian law and international human rights law, and in full respect for the sovereignty, territorial integrity, political independence and unity of Somalia, to carry out its mandate;

9. Decides to authorise AMISOM to pursue the following strategic objectives within the context of the transition to Somalia taking responsibility for security, as set out in the Transition Plan:

(a) Conduct a gradual handing over of security responsibilities from AMISOM to the Somali security forces with the aim of Somali security institutions taking the lead by 2021;

(b) Reduce the threat posed by Al Shabaab and other armed opposition groups with a view to enabling a stable, federal, sovereign and united Somalia;

(c) Assist the Somali security forces to provide security for the political process at all levels, stabilisation efforts, reconciliation, and peace building and provide relevant support to Somali police and authorities to create a secure environment in the build up to elections with the aim of fully handing over security responsibility to Somali security institutions;

10. Decides to authorise AMISOM to carry out the following priority tasks to achieve these objectives:

(a) Maintain a presence in the sectors set out in AMISOMs Concept ofOperations, prioritising the main population centres, and reconfiguring within the timeline and guidelines of this resolution;

(b) Mentor and assist Somali security forces, including combat readiness mentoring for Somali military forces, and mentoring and training where necessary forSomali police;



(c) Secure key supply routes including to areas recovered from Al Shabaab, incoordination with stabilisation and reconciliation actors, in particular supply routesessential to improving the humanitarian situation, which may include commercialgoods essential to meeting the basic needs of civilians, those critical for logisticalsupport to AMISOM, and key supply routes supporting delivery of the Transition Plan,and underscoring that the delivery of logistics remains a joint responsibility betweenthe United Nations and AU;

(d) Assist, as appropriate, the Somali security forces to enable the Somaliauthorities to carry out their functions of government, including their efforts towards,stabilisation coordinated with the Ministry of Interior, Federal Affairs andReconciliation (MoIFAR) and Community Recovery and Extension of State Authorityand Accountability (CRESTA/A), reconciliation, peacebuilding, election preparationand security for key infrastructure;

(e) Conduct targeted offensive operations that support the Transition Plan,including jointly with the Somali security forces, to disrupt and degrade Al Shabaaband other armed opposition groups, and take actions to mitigate the threat posed by improvised explosive devices;

(f) Reconfigure AMISOM, as security conditions allow, in support of theTransition Plan and in favour of police personnel within the authorised AMISOM personnel ceiling;

(g) Protect, as appropriate, its personnel, facilities, installations, equipment and mission, and to ensure the security and freedom of movement of its personnel, as well as of United Nations personnel carrying out functions mandated by the SecurityCouncil;

(h) Receive defectors on a transitory basis, as appropriate, and in coordinationwith the United Nations and the FGS;

(i) Support and assist the FGS and FMSs in implementing the total ban on theexport of charcoal from Somalia and the documentation and facilitation of the inspection of seized equipment as requested in paragraph 18 of resolution 2111 (2013)and paragraph 6 of resolution 2182 (2014);

11. Requests the African Union (AU), by November 2019, to update and continue to develop the CONOPS throughout the transition, in close collaboration with the FGS, the UN and key partners;

12. Requests the AU to strengthen operational coordination among AMISOM contingents, strengthen command, control and accountability of the operation alisationof mission enabling units, including air assets, increase operational decision making under both the Sector and Force Commander, and ensure that all force enablers and multipliers operate under the command of the Force Commander;

13. Supports the recommendation in the Joint Review (2019) for AMISOM to undertake a phased approach towards achieving equipment optimisation within available resources, and in this regard supports the intention by the AU and the UN to conduct an equipment review by July 2019, taking into consideration Statement ofUnit requirements (SURs), and within existing resources, with a view to strengthenAMISOMs operational capabilities and enhance its force protection to carry out theirmandated tasks, and encourages Member States to support the AU in mobilising therequired resources and equipment, including through uncaveated financialcontributions to the AMISOM Trust Fund;

14. Supports the efforts to deploy AMISOMs civilians out to the sectors andunderlines the importance of a fully operational civilian component to supportAMISOMs military and police tasks for transition and drawdown;

15. Underlines the continued importance of AMISOM forces carrying out theirmandate in full compliance with participating statesobligations under internationallaw, including with regard to the protection of civilians, especially women andchildren, and of cooperating with UNSOM and UNSOS in implementing the HumanRights Due Diligence Policy on United Nations support to Non-United Nationssecurity forces (HRDDP) across the preparatory, conduct and review phases ofoperations; calls upon AMISOM to undertaken and upon the AU to ensure monitoringof prompt and thorough investigations into and reporting on allegations of violationsand abuses of international human rights and violations of international humanitarianlaw, as well as ensuring the highest standards of transparency and conduct anddiscipline, and harmonisation of their procedures with UNSOM, including Boards ofInquiry, and urges troop- and police

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