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Somalia: Al-Shabaab Mogadishu taxation $10 - $70,000 Monthly - UN Report

0 Visits: 7604 | Saturday November 18, 2017 - 09:44:42
28. Over the course of the present mandate, Al-Shabaab continued to impose taxation on the business community in Somalia (see also S/2016/919, annex 1.6, and S/2015/801, para. 92).

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Courageous Dutch lawyer saved my profession of Journalism.

0 Visits: 11424 | Tuesday October 31, 2017 - 00:47:33 - Serving as a media person in Somalia was a horrible exercise that compels you to take many risks including a life-threatening one. The threat is also affecting family members who could be punished because I am exercising my freedom of expression enshrined in the Universal Declaration…

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Sirculus:Argagixisadda 52 Milyan dollar ayey ka helaan Muqdisho sanad walba ?

0 Visits: 4757 | Wednesday October 25, 2017 - 01:57:52 - Argagixisadda Al-Shabaab ayaa la ogaaday iney Caasimadda Muqdisho oo kaliya sanad walba ka helaan lacag dhan 52 Milyan oo dollar taas oo ay Shirkadaha ganacsigga iyo shacabka Muqdisho uga qaadaan Canshuur aruurin ay ugu magacdareen ZAKAAWAAT.

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Somalia PM: a political showoff and self-appreciating man

0 Visits: 7273 | Monday October 23, 2017 - 13:20:37 - Boundless enthusiasm greeted the election of Somali president, Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo, on February 8 by the world's poorest people hoping that he will overcome the country's deteriorating general security, the weak economy, and the crippled public services.

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0 Visits: 5438 | Tuesday September 26, 2017 - 22:52:10
The lawyer, Schouten: "In that case the court will ignore source protection because, under Somalian law, the journalist can be ordered to name his source. This takes away the last vestiges of press freedom in a country in which people are murdered for what they say or commit to paper."

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Somalia:Journalists discuss media law and criminal defamation

0 Visits: 5426 | Sunday September 24, 2017 - 01:14:19 - A training on freedom of expression, media law and defamation, organized by the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ), was today held in Mogadishu, attracting 35 journalists who are working in Mogadishu.

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0 Visits: 5421 | Wednesday September 20, 2017 - 05:20:48
Mr. President, The long term as well as immediate challenges facing Somalia remain formidable, whether humanitarian, economic, security or political. The unity of the Council and the solidarity of the international community have been essential to the gradual, if fragile, progress that is being made.

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Somalische Minister houdt Amsterdamse rechter vals bewijs Voor

0 Visits: 6212 | Monday September 18, 2017 - 04:18:21
Advocaat Schouten: "De rollen worden omgedraaid. Doorgaans wordt de journalist gezien als een publieke waakhond en niet de regeringsleden waarover zij kritisch schrijven. Het is extra wrang dat de rechter zich daarbij baseert op een artikel in The Guardian, waarvan mijn cliënt vorig jaar al heeft…

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Somalia:List Document retrieved from house of AlShabaab leader

0 Visits: 4435 | Monday September 11, 2017 - 10:15:24– An American unmanned drone launched a missile attack on one of Alshabab's most cold-blooded leaders on Sunday, 30 July 2017 in southern Somalia. The drove attack killed a man, who is dubbed the cruelest terror mastermind in the Mogadishu's history.

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Somalia:Document retrieved from house of Shabaab leader - list

0 Visits: 4270 | Monday September 11, 2017 - 10:15:24– An American unmanned drone launched a missile attack on one of Alshabab's most cold-blooded leaders on Sunday, 30 July 2017 in southern Somalia. The drove attack killed a man, who is dubbed the cruelest terror mastermind in the Mogadishu's history.

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Somalia: Alshabab's death list emerges after its Mogadishu's terror mastermind was killed by US areal strike=

0 Visits: 11349 | Sunday September 10, 2017 - 23:57:37 – An American unmanned drone launched a missile attack on one of Alshabab's most cold-blooded leaders on Sunday, 30 July 2017 in southern Somalia. The drove attack killed a man, who is dubbed the cruelest terror mastermind in the Mogadishu's history.

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Somalia: Jubba airways manager joined pro Qatar camp

0 Visits: 6759 | Saturday September 09, 2017 - 22:43:36 - Somali MP Said Nur Gariish joined a Somali group that advocate for the support of Qatar government. The MP failed to be neutral like other members of parliament.

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Somalia: Rule of Law vs. Rule of Men

0 Visits: 8000 | Thursday September 07, 2017 - 22:23:44 - "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic…

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impeachment motion against Somalia President - treason

1 Visits: 6602 | Wednesday September 06, 2017 - 18:54:08 - 110 MPs and senators have signed motion that asks removal of Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, whom they accuse of treason after he violated article 36 & 37 of the Somali constitution.

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Journalist sues Somalia Minister in Dutch Court

0 Visits: 6009 | Thursday August 31, 2017 - 23:36:03
Journalist sues Somalian Minister who accuses him of being a blackmailer after he publishes critical press about him. AmsterdamCourt 14:00

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Somali government has forcefully transferred a political refuge to Ethiopia

0 Visits: 5415 | Wednesday August 30, 2017 - 22:21:20
The current president of Somalia, Mohamed Abdullahi "Farmajo, and his accomplices, the Prime Minister Mr Hassan Ali Khayre, The National security advisor, Gen. Bashir Mohamed Jamac-Goobe, the Head of NISA Mr. Abdullahi Mohamed Ali "Sanbalolshe" have committed a national crime against the…

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Somalia: Senior Villa Somalia Official Arrested - Extremist abuse

0 Visits: 5283 | Sunday August 27, 2017 - 06:05:06 - Presidential Director of Public Works Abdirahim Mudey was arrested by Presidential Guards inside the Villa Somalia compound shortly after he stood at the Villa's mosque during Friday prayers and blasted what her termed "unjust and oppression" treatment by senior government…

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Somalia's army chief: Raid killed civilians, not extremists

0 Visits: 4619 | Sunday August 27, 2017 - 05:57:53 — Somalia's army chief says civilians, not extremists, were killed in a military operation Friday that both the United States and Somalia say they will investigate.

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Somalia:Barire Massacre an other Black hawk down

0 Visits: 6910 | Saturday August 26, 2017 - 21:59:22
The United States of America President Donald J. Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20500, USA

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Somalia:Government's PR Strategy Mocked As Hashtag Igu Sawir Goes Viral

0 Visits: 5343 | Saturday July 29, 2017 - 02:25:24 - Hip Hop Artiste IlKacase Song "Igu Sawir" Goes Viral As Somalia Govt is Mocked Over Photo PR Stunts.

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