`Ethiopia:A new prime minister deeply linked to the Ethiopian military

Saturday September 15, 2018 - 03:43:16 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    `Ethiopia:A new prime minister deeply linked to the Ethiopian military - Prior to the election of the new prime minister Ahmed, atrocities committed against Somalis along the volatile Ogaden-Oromo border have taken place, but nothing like the magnitude of what is happening currently.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Prior to the election of the new prime minister Ahmed, atrocities committed against Somalis along the volatile Ogaden-Oromo border have taken place, but nothing like the magnitude of what is happening currently.
"Following the election of Ahmed in April, there has been a well orchestrated campaign of ethnic cleansing being perpetrated against Somalis residing in the border region of Ogaden, and it is being perpetrated by Oromo militias and paramilitary forces with the full backing of the Ethiopian military and government,” says Abdulkaadir.
This is in contrast with Ahmed’s carefully constructed image. The son of a Muslim father and a Christian mother, he came to power and toured the country, preaching peace and dialogue.
His appointment was hailed with great fanfare by the US media, which cast him as a reformer.
Ahmed also removed the ONLF’s "terrorist organisation” designation.
However, the prime minister hails from a military-intelligence background. He served in the UN peacekeeping force in Rwanda and reached a high rank in the Ethiopian military, known for its ties to the US.
He also founded the powerful Information Network Security Agency (INSA), the equivalent of Mi5 in Ethiopia.
Most questionable is that the new prime minister has done nothing to halt the violence in the north-east, despite his deep influence in the military.
Ahmed, as well as Lemme Megersa, who is the president of the Oromo Regonal State, from where the Oromo militias launch their attacks, are yet to condemn, let alone take action against these forces.
Meanwhile, it is up to courageous bloggers to try to get the word out: "Despite his promises of reform the status of Somalis in Ethiopia is very bleak. Ahmed has not really done anything for Somali people – he has not lifted the blockade and he is not allowing them to flourish and prosper.”
The world, controlled by the lens of the US media, has turned a blind eye once again. Help on the ground is scarce and a cholera outbreak looms, despite the presence of Norwegian aid groups.
"The area is under a military blockade and occupation that is being hidden from the world,” says Abdulkaadir. "I just want this to get out. I want the world to see. These people want self-determination; they want to be able to live peacefully and prosperously.”
For Somalis in Ethiopia, the ‘War on Terror’, is just another phrase for oppression, and it comes in a constantly shifting disguise.
*names have been changed for source’s protection

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