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Somali President Renounces US Citizenship Over Atrocities in S/W State & Corruption: Intelligence Brief.

0 Visits: 6452 | Sunday August 04, 2019 - 05:41:25
Somalia President Mohamed Abdullahi Mohamed Faarmajo has formally denounced his second citizenship. Faarmajo, through the Presidency issued a statement claiming he had ceded being an American citizen, a move that has been politically exploited by his inner circle. However, this is not a political watershed…

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Qatar's terrorism against UAE in Somalia is 'unfortunate,' Dr Anwar Gargash says

0 Visits: 3223 | Wednesday July 31, 2019 - 04:34:08 - A report by The New York Times has revealed Doha's terrorist and extremist activities in Somalia, the UAE's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr Anwar Gargash, said on Tuesday.

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SOMALIA: A Silent Coup Against President Farmaajo by Saber Rattling PM Khaire.

0 Visits: 4168 | Thursday July 04, 2019 - 04:35:40
An intelligence report issued on the 1st day of the 1st week of July 2019, warns that Hassan Khaire has bought 4000 strong Ahlu-Suna Wa Jamaa (ASWJ) militia, a group that fights Al-Shabaab terror group in Central Somalia. The group for over a decade has been funded and armed by the Ethiopian government.…

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Talks between Iranian backed Ahlusunah and Somali Government are doomed to failed -Dhusamareb

0 Visits: 3450 | Saturday June 22, 2019 - 18:56:54 - A delegation led by Somalia's Minister for Interior and Federal affairs, Abdi Mohamed Sabriye, is in Dhusamareb, the administrative capital of Galmudug regional state.

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Somalia:FGS engaged in 'deception and mischief' over row with Kenya-Galmudug

0 Visits: 3662 | Friday June 07, 2019 - 01:39:14
"The unpredictable and mischievous political behaviour and positions of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmaajo and Prime Minister Hassan Kheire have undermined the confidence of the leaders of all neighbouring countries who are partners in the stabilisation struggle of Somalia."

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Terrorising the victims of terror in Somalia "a failed elite, and the Western 'War on Terror'."

0 Visits: 5382 | Wednesday May 29, 2019 - 22:46:07
Terrorising the victims of terror in Somalia. "One wonders what Somalis might have accomplished if they were not sandwiched between pernicious local terrorists, a failed elite, and the Western 'War on Terror'." By ABDI ISMAIL SAMATAR

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How to rethink stabilisation in Somalia

0 Visits: 3534 | Tuesday May 28, 2019 - 23:20:19 - For more than a decade, international donors have provided a large portion of their aid to stabilisation efforts in Somalia . Yet, the current academic and policy debates on Somalia highlight the risks of an exacerbating political conflict, dire security implications of the withdrawal…

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Somali President Farmajo Has No Legal Base to Force Galmudug Presidential Election in 2019

0 Visits: 4195 | Saturday May 18, 2019 - 11:49:03 - As a caveat, I would like to state here that my argument against the involvement of President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo of the Federal Republic of Somalia (FRS) in any presidential elections of the federal member states (FMS) should not be interpreted as an approval of state elections.…

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UNDP sanctions 18 Somali entities and individuals over graft, collusion and fraud

0 Visits: 3518 | Sunday April 28, 2019 - 04:11:17
The UN Development Programme has blacklisted 18 Somali individuals and organisations from conducting any business with the UN agency over what it termed as their 'engagement in proscribed practices'.

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Corrupt Regime at Villa SOMALIA now tries to change tuck after Exposé on Oil and Gas Auction at claridge, London

0 Visits: 5447 | Sunday January 27, 2019 - 10:02:29 - As we exposed the calculated and planned corrupt auction of Somalia oil and Gas assets at claridge hotel in London, UK on the 7th of February 2019, it has come to our immediate attention that the Foreign Ministry of Somalia is making concerted effort to now ratify the 2009 M.O.U on Somalia…

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SOMALIA:Press Release on UN Letter and Call for Clarity on US Position

0 Visits: 4602 | Wednesday January 02, 2019 - 02:25:21
PRESS RELEASE - this will show the Somali public that the US friendship and resumption of diplomatic presence in Somalia goes beyond individuals in power and is meant to further mutually advantageous sustainable relationship between our two countries and people.

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Somali Officials Misrepresent IMF Statements and Reports

0 Visits: 4497 | Sunday December 30, 2018 - 04:38:55
Somalia suffers from the disgraceful culture of leaders and politicians invoking deceptively legitimate documents like the Provisional Constitution for bolstering false claims and arguments or for obfuscating critical search for truth. That culture has undermined the requirement of truth, good faith,…

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impeachment motion against the President of Somalia - National treason

0 Visits: 6692 | Monday December 24, 2018 - 05:57:46
Members of the National Salvation Caucus in the House of the People who tabled the impeachment motion against the President of the Federal Republic of Somalia hereby declare that they have withdrawn the motion for the sake of the people and country's interest after considering the status quo and…

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Somalia: ASOJ condemns the murder of veteran journalist

0 Visits: 6483 | Sunday December 23, 2018 - 04:04:54
The Associated Somali Journalists (ASOJ) condemns the murder of veteran journalist and other innocent people by coordinated double suicide bombings in Mogadishu.

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CPJ Report on the harassment & violations of media rights by Mogadishu Mayor Abdirahman Osman.

0 Visits: 6850 | Thursday December 13, 2018 - 18:20:15
Police on November 20, 2018, arrested Nur Ismail Sheikh, an editor for the privately owned website Shaaciye, at a Mogadishu hotel where a government official from the Banadir Regional Administration, had asked to meet him, according to Abdalle Ahmed Mumin, a journalist who is familiar with the case,…

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Somalia PM Hassan Khaire: Portrait of a con artist

0 Visits: 5688 | Monday November 26, 2018 - 03:24:49 - A narcissist who always demanded a praise from his underlings. Failure to do so meant midnight sacking letters for an unspecified corruption.

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`Ethiopia:A new prime minister deeply linked to the Ethiopian military

0 Visits: 5639 | Saturday September 15, 2018 - 03:43:16 - Prior to the election of the new prime minister Ahmed, atrocities committed against Somalis along the volatile Ogaden-Oromo border have taken place, but nothing like the magnitude of what is happening currently.

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Top Secret:Ethiopia police commissioner lied about the torture of president Abdi Iley

0 Visits: 10384 | Friday September 14, 2018 - 00:34:48 - Orommo soldiers have tortured former Somali region in Ethiopia president Abdi Mohamud Omar inside the jail, while his mother, Mrs Deeb, and his wife Sadika were with him, independent media reported.

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Belgium has rejected the asylum request of a woman who is a human rights and young girls' activist in Mogadishu.

0 Visits: 6125 | Sunday September 02, 2018 - 17:51:08
Government of Belgium has rejected the asylum request of a woman who is a human rights and young girls' activist in Mogadishu. Ifrah Abdi Guled works for the NGO Daryel Association based in Sweden.

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