
Somalia:10$Million Dahabshiil Loan 4 Million is missing-Scandal

0 Visits: 9239 | Tuesday November 10, 2015 - 10:02:55
"The Select Committee has discovered agreements between the Somali Government and the two Hawala companies Dahabshiil and Salama Bank in which the Government borrowed 10 million US dollars from these Companies. Infect, 6 million dollars of that money has been deposited in the Central Bank of Somalia…

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Somalia:Video Al-Shabaab sends death threat to Journalist Dahir Alasow

0 Visits: 12605 | Tuesday November 10, 2015 - 08:46:33 - A Somali speaking youth who identified themselves as Amniyad (Security) of Al-Shabaab threaten that they will kill Dahir Alasow, an investigative Somali Journalist based in Breda, Netherlands.

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A Turkish Man caught with $625.000 dollars at Mogadishu Airport

0 Visits: 3698 | Sunday November 08, 2015 - 00:08:53
A German national of Turkish origin was arrested at Mogadishu International airport, Waagacusub Media reports.

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Somalia: The Black Profile of Ali Wajiis

1 Visits: 4787 | Saturday November 07, 2015 - 11:45:23 – His name is Ali Wajiis. He is from Abgal sub-clan of Warsengeli, however, we want to introduce you an astonishing thing which marked his dark history.

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Somalia:Killing Journalist ? Hassan Gesey and His clansman campaign

0 Visits: 3960 | Friday November 06, 2015 - 11:17:29
ASOJ.ORG - Associated Somali Journalists -ASOJ - wants to draw your attention that Mohamed Ajiib (formerly known as Mohamed Ajiin) and his employee clansman Hassan Ali Geesey want to cover the murder of waagacusub Media English editor Abdullahi Ali Hussein (Ano geel) with the direct involvement of Dahabshiil…

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Somaliland Journalists apologizes to Dahir Alasow after a false statement released

0 Visits: 16405 | Wednesday November 04, 2015 - 01:27:36
Somaliland Journalists Association (SOLJA) on Sunday apologized to head of the National Union of Somali journalists (NUSOJ) and the Secretery General of Somali Investigative Journalists Association (SOMIJ), whose its name used to tarnish the reputation of these two predominant and well-respected journalists.

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NUSOJ Commemorates International Day to End Impunity of Crimes against Journalists -END IMPUNITY!

0 Visits: 5462 | Monday November 02, 2015 - 23:11:51
To commemorate the International Day to End Impunity of Crimes Against Journalists, 2 November, the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) organised today commemorative activities in Mogadishu, capital city, and Galkayo, central Somalia.

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Somali Media Group Threatens to Take legal action against journalists killers

0 Visits: 6965 | Wednesday October 28, 2015 - 22:44:40 - The National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) and Somali Investigative Journalists Association said on Wednesday that they are considering to take an appropriate action against individuals involved in killing, intimidating and harassing Somali journalists.

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CCA-The Christianization of Somalia -Mohamed Ajib ?

0 Visits: 7931 | Tuesday October 27, 2015 - 09:33:53 - I have been investigating the misdeeds of an NGO who works in Somali to Christianize more than 234 young people in Mogadishu.

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Somalia:Bakistan and his involvement in killing journalists ?

0 Visits: 6604 | Monday October 26, 2015 - 03:00:00
Mohamed Ibrahim {Pakistan} facilitated the killing of five Somali journalists that were killed by government officials and Dahabshill Company in return of the small amount of money, according to an investigation conducted by Waagacusub Media and independent researchers.

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Somalia: Who is behind the killing of the journalists?

0 Visits: 9435 | Saturday October 24, 2015 - 05:26:31 – After a joint investigation conducted by the Federal government and International independent Organizations, the individuals and the solely company behind the death of the Waagacusub Media's English-Editor was obtained.

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Somaliland:Dahabshiil Donates a Million U.S Dollar to Yonis Bihi for his Presidential contest

0 Visits: 9432 | Thursday October 15, 2015 - 02:37:48 -Dahabshiil company donated a million U.S dollar to Mohamed Bihi Yonis for his 2016 presidential contest, workers of the company that politically supports for Muse Bihi told waagacusub Media.

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Hundreds from Somaliland voices to support Journalist Alasow

0 Visits: 15448 | Saturday October 10, 2015 - 17:47:50
( Breda-based investigative journalist who exposed malpractices, corruption by government officials and terrorism finances by private companies has received drawn an outpouring support from residents in Erigavo and Burao towns in the breakaway Somaliland region, late this week.

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Somalia:Forcible Sex Offenses Reported in the Ministry of Information

0 Visits: 8020 | Friday October 09, 2015 - 01:57:12
Mogadishu, Somalia ( newly released report says that the Minister of Information of Somalia has involved in unwanted sex contact with a number of female journalists that occurred in the Ministry of Information.

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Somalia:Dahabshiil Manager Leaves his Job based on Tribalism

0 Visits: 7191 | Friday October 09, 2015 - 01:51:20
Hargeisa, Somalia ( of Dabahshiil Money Transfer Company in Buroa, Togdheer Province left his job based on tribalism on Thursday 7 October 2015.

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Why Ethiopia and Kenya want the substitute of Somalia's Flag?

0 Visits: 10663 | Wednesday October 07, 2015 - 13:44:19 - Ethiopia and Kenya proposed the reproducing of the Somalia's blue and white star flag which it viewed as interference in the sovereign affairs of Somalia.

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The Day of German Unity celebrated in Mogadishu

0 Visits: 9073 | Monday October 05, 2015 - 23:46:33
Germany will continue to support Somalia on its path of reconstruction. Already today, Germany and Somalia cooperate closely in the security sector. Moreover, Germany contributes to assistance projects in a variety of sectors such as infrastructure and support to returnees.

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Why Ethiopian Colonization of Somalia is hidden from the outside World?

0 Visits: 12229 | Monday October 05, 2015 - 22:47:35
Sunatimes,com - Somali people are very concerned about the Ethiopian occupation in their territory, Waagacusub Media, an Investigative news outlet, has obtained that at least six Ethiopian Generals freely operate in Hargeisa, Garowe, Kismayo, Dhusamareeb, Baydhabo, and Mogadishu.

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UN Director-General condemns killing of Somali journalist Abdullahi Ali Hussein

1 Visits: 6418 | Friday September 18, 2015 - 22:06:52
Director-General condemns killing of Somali journalist Abdullahi Ali Hussein

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Killing of Waagacusub Editor worker draws condemnation from UN official

0 Visits: 5593 | Friday September 18, 2015 - 22:04:06
15 September 2015 – The head of the United Nations agency tasked with defending the freedom of the press today denounced the recent killing of a Somali news editor.

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