Somalia:Bakistan and his involvement in killing journalists ?

Monday October 26, 2015 - 03:00:00 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia:Bakistan and his involvement in killing journalists ?

    Mohamed Ibrahim {Pakistan} facilitated the killing of five Somali journalists that were killed by government officials and Dahabshill Company in return of the small amount of money, according to an investigation conducted by Waagacusub Media and inde

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Mohamed Ibrahim {Pakistan} facilitated the killing of five Somali journalists that were killed by government officials and Dahabshill Company in return of the small amount of money, according to an investigation conducted by Waagacusub Media and independent researchers. Omar Faruk Osman, the Secretary-General of National Journalists (NUSOJ) fired Mr. Bakistan because his criminal activities against Somali journalists and his involvement in the killing journalists including, Horn Cable TV journalist in Mogadishu , Salad His, Manager of the Waagacusub Media Abdirahman Mohamed Ali, Former Editor of Sunatimes Abdullahi Fanah, Universal TV Mohamed Tima'ade and Abdihared Osman Aden who was Programmes producer for Shabelle Media.  

When Mr Bakistan was fired he himself inaugurated as the Secretary-General of the National Union of Somali Journalists.

Minister for Information who is a relative of Mr Bakistan wanted to use him a political weapon against all Somali journalists and the free press, however, when the International Free Press and concerning agencies intervened in that plot ended there.

Mr Bakistan receives money from Al-Shabaab Spokesperson Ali Dheere for his work on spying journalists that the militant wants to execute. Ali Dheere and Bakistan are relatives. He also receives money from the Ministry of Information, said a journalist in Mogadishu who asked not to be named because he feared retribution from Al-Shabaab and government.

AbdiAziz Afrika who is a journalist engaged in investigating Shabaab terrorist activities and works for the national Radio and Television posted the picture of Mr Bakistan in which he wrote on it, "A bribe consumer that serves for 50 US dollar." 

Abdi M. Ismail the Director of the Radio Shabelle Abdi M. Ismail based in Sweden posted on his Facebook account a report titled, " The stupidity of  Mohamed Ibrahim Bakistan and his crazy grasping."

In the story, Abdi Ismail said a film on child soldiers conducted in Mogadishu by a reporter from New York Times was involved in Mr Bakistan himself.

New York Times' reporter Jeffrey Gentleman intended to defame the Somali government by stage managing allegedly soldiers in which was said that they were soldiers but proved to be otherwise.

According to journalist Ismail, the scene was filmed a house in Bulo-Hubey which is located at a turning path between KM4 street and UNDP compound.

Former Radio Sky FM Mohamed Arab said Mr Bakistan is a weak person who has always been working on the subjugation and assassination of the journalists. He used to claim that he was a journalist from New York Times but a website to wage his propaganda was created by perpetrator Hassan Ali Geesey, who shares with him an interest, which probably means spreading lies and  propaganda. 

"The Minister that used to nurture him was sacked from his post and it is not clear whether he takes the salary from the Ministry of Information, but Al-Shabaab gives him 200 US dollar as he needs the money. IFJ stopped the 200 US dollar that it used to send him when he lost the membership of NUSOJ. Now he works for Geesey's website," said Mohamed Bashir Hashi the former editor of Radio Shabelle in Mogadishu.

" A friend of mine and his pregnant wife was going to Huriwa market of livestock when Mr Bakistan got into our bus in the Bakara market when we got off the bus in the same place we were abducted by unknown men and we were briefly arrested before releasing us. The next day September 27, 2015, the body of the Waagacusub Media English Editor had been found at the Huriwa district of Mogadishu. The journalist was beheaded, adding that Mr. Bakistan's purpose of joining their travel was to spy on their movements” says Shabelle Editor Ahmed Abdi Hassan who was detained in Mogadishu Prison with 7 Months.

Mr Bakistan used to work on publications of books and printing papers and journals at a centre in Bakara Market though he never worked any Somali media including TVs, Radios or newspapers. 

However, he became an obstacle for the free media and journalists after he affiliated with evil entities that oppose the freedom of the press.

By Mohamed Hassan

[email protected]

Kampala - Uganda

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