Somalia: Fifty families displaced in Diinsoor

Tuesday June 07, 2011 - 22:25:40 in Articles by Super Admin
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    Somalia: Fifty families displaced in Diinsoor

    “We are fleeing our homes because we could not tolerate the problems we encounter from Al-Shabab in Dinsor”, one of the displaced people told Bar-kulan.

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“We are fleeing our homes because we could not tolerate the problems we encounter from Al-Shabab in Dinsor”, one of the displaced people told Bar-kulan.

Bay (Sunatimes) More than fifty families fled areas near Dinsor district of Bay region after they were faced with difficulties and problems from Al-Shabab militias in the area.

The displaced families from the villages of Habibayal and Gurban near Dinsor have reached IDP camps in Mogadishu.

“We are fleeing our homes because we could not tolerate the problems we encounter from Al-Shabab in Dinsor”, one of the displaced people told Bar-kulan.

The displaced people say that their livestock have been taken by the militias under the pretext of Zakat, alms taken from financially able Muslims to be given to the poor. They accused Al-Shabab of using the Zakat to feed their fighters.

This is the largest number of displaced persons after the militias started intimidations against the population.

By Mohamed Abukar

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