Somalia: The man who abducted the French intelligence officials migrated to US

Friday February 02, 2024 - 20:36:04 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia: The man who abducted the French intelligence officials migrated to US - Mahad Ibrahim Hamarow who abducted the two French officials from Sahafi Hotel, Mogadishu, has been spotted in Ohio US, after tracing his whereabouts.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Mahad Ibrahim Hamarow who abducted the two French officials from Sahafi Hotel, Mogadishu, has been spotted in Ohio US, after tracing his whereabouts.
One of the abductees – Denis Allex – was killed by Al Shabab in Lower Shabelle when a rescue operation of French special forces failed.
Journalist Dahir Alasow investigated the matter after the voice of Mahad Hamarow was heard on Tiktok.  Hamarow never showed his face to the public, but Alasow posted his pictures.
Hamarow who came from Habarghidir clan, Saleban sub-clan, came to live in Tiktok.  He accepted that he is Mahad Hamarow, but the name he registered under US authority is not known.
He managed to hand Denis Allex to Al Shabab, and then he travelled to South Africa where he migrated to the US.  When he was spotted in Tiktok under the username of @garyaqaanka.1, a number of Somalis claimed he wounded them, such as a man who stays in Nairobi.
A Somali woman who stays in Turkey says she is shocked when she sees his face as the killer who killed her son.
Ibrahim Abdulkadir, an employee with Sahafi hotel when Hamarow was abducting the French officials confirmed him as the man behind the abduction.
Burhan Ali who knows Mahad Hamarow well said he committed many killings in Somalia, but fled out of the country when he kidnapped the French officials.
These men managed to escape from Hisbul Islam of Hassan Dahir Aweys who is currently under house arrest.  Its not known if Mahad Hamarow is still a member of Al Shabab.

Jeffrey shipy

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