Somali diaspora flourishes in streets of Turkey.

Sunday September 19, 2021 - 03:36:33 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somali diaspora flourishes in streets of Turkey. - The Somali diaspora prefer to live in Turkey, particularly in Ankara and Istanbul, thanks to the 10 years of cooperation between Somalia and Turkey, a Muslim country that offers high living standards. Since the historical visit of Pr

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - The Somali diaspora prefer to live in Turkey, particularly in Ankara and Istanbul, thanks to the 10 years of cooperation between Somalia and Turkey, a Muslim country that offers high living standards. Since the historical visit of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Somalia on Aug. 19, 2011, when he was the prime minister of Turkey, the diplomatic and societal interactions between the two countries have witnessed remarkable growth. Besides the diplomatic, developmental and trade relations, Somalis from every corner have started to relocate to Turkey. Due to different impulses and objectives, they came from North America, European countries, Gulf states and Somalia; thus, while some came to Turkey to live, others came to do business and some to stay temporarily.
The common denominator between all of them is the admiration and respect they have toward Turkey. Before 2011, let alone the large Somali families that comprise an average of six members, it was unusual to see a Somali tourist in the streets of the beautiful cities of Turkey. But now, it is impossible not to see a Somali pedestrian on the streets of Ankara and Istanbul, a teenager or mother pushing a baby stroller.

What does the diaspora offer the host country?
Before Turkey, Somalis often went to Egypt, Malaysia and Syria. But for the last 10 years, Somalis have started considering Turkey a suitable destination for settlement, health and education purposes. The ascending multidimensional relations between the two countries have significantly contributed to the ever-increasing influx of Somalis to Turkey. Arguably, it is impossible to insulate the issue from the developments that have been achieved in bilateral diplomatic relations, trade and development. The compounded effect of those developments bolsters the positive opinion Somalis maintain of Turkey, which partly accelerates different kinds of movements to and from Turkey.

Diaspora people all over the world contribute to the economy of the host country through production activities that increase employment. They also contribute taxes. Likewise, through the skills and knowledge the diasporic people possess, they can contribute to the scientific development of the host country; in addition to that, they contribute to the enhancement of the livelihoods of the people in their country of origin through remittance. The 2 million Somalis living abroad in places like North America and Europe or those in the Gulf states annually send nearly $1 billion back to Somalia, which is a lifeline for millions in the country.
Turkey also offers opportunities that Somalis are ready to grab in a way that does not contradict the host community's interests. In spite of the relatively small number of families and high rate of back-forth mobility, the expectation that a large Somali community will settle in Turkey is very high.

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