EAST AFRICA:Kenya's High Court has declared that a government-backed plan to amend Kenya's constitution

Wednesday May 19, 2021 - 14:40:16 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    EAST AFRICA:Kenya's High Court has declared that a government-backed plan to amend Kenya's constitution - Kenya's High Court has declared that a government-backed plan to amend Kenya's constitution is irregular, unconstitutional, and illegal. The judges ruled that President Kenyatta violated the constitution by "initiating

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Kenya's High Court has declared that a government-backed plan to amend Kenya's constitution is irregular, unconstitutional, and illegal. The judges ruled that President Kenyatta violated the constitution by "initiating a process which ought to have been started by ordinary citizens." Furthermore, the Building Bridges Initiative (BBI), a constitutional committee created by the president, is also considered unsanctioned.
Once again, Ethiopia has delayed the June 5 national elections, citing "logistical issues.” Due to deadly tensions in the Tigray region, the vote would not have been conducted there, and some opposition parties have declared they won't participate in the election. The electoral board estimates a delay of two to three weeks, during which ballots can be printed, staffers can be trained, and voters’ information can be compiled. Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed stated he would not allow the delayed election to be exploited "to fulfill the interest of external forces.”
British mining company Petra Diamonds has agreed to compensate claimants who were shot, stabbed, and beaten by guards at a mine that is known for having produced a flawless pink diamond for one of Queen Elizabeth’s favorite brooches. Petra Diamonds will pay the miners a total of $6 million to be shared among 71 workers as compensation for serious human rights abuses.
By Dahir Alasow

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