Due to Somalia's ongoing political conflict, it is better sometimes to go back, and remember a concept of dialectics which is rooted in the ordinary practice of a dialogue between two factions and/or political opponents, each of whom holds a different view and wishes to persuade the other of their views.
Dialectics is based around three (or four) basic metaphysical concepts:
1. Everything is transient and finite, existing in the medium of time (this idea is not accepted by all dialecticians).
2. Everything is made out of opposing forces/opposing sides (contradictions).
3. Gradual changes lead to turning points, where one force overcomes the other (quantitative change leads to qualitative change).
4. Change moves in spirals not circles. (Sometimes referred to as "negation of the negation").
Lastly, but not the least, The presupposition of a dialectical argument between opposing political views or disagreement must be resolved by denying some presupposition of both the contending thesis and antithesis; thereby moving to a third (syn)thesis or "sublation", which is my opinion a win-win situation.
Dr. Khalif Mohamed Duale
Legal/Political Analyst
Due to Somalia's ongoing political conflict, it is better sometimes to go back, and remember a concept of dialectics which is rooted in the ordinary practice of a dialogue between two factions and/or political opponents, each of whom holds a dif