Somalia and China MOU Tuna Agreement ended up Corruption

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    Somalia and China MOU Tuna Agreement ended up Corruption

    The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to facilitate the operation of fishing vessels owned or being within the association of [PARTY] in the Somali Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to target tuna and tuna like species. 2. The objec

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The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to facilitate the operation of fishing vessels owned or being within the association of [PARTY] in the Somali Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) to target tuna and tuna like species. 2. The objective of this MOU is to establish a lasting relationship between the Ministry and [PARTY], with a view to developing a legitimate and mutually beneficial fishery in the Somali EEZ. 3. Underlying the purpose and objective of this MOU is the recognition by the Parties that: a. Somalia is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982 (UNCLOS), while the vessels to which this MOU applies are registered in States which are also Parties to UNCLOS;
AN AGREEMENT made on the ………………. day of ……………………… 20………. between
GOVERNMENT OF SOMALIA (MFMR) of the one part and [PARTY] of the other part.
Individually referred to as "Party” and collectively as "Parties”.
The Parties to this Memorandum of Understanding hereby agree as follows:
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PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES………………………………………………………..2
DEFENITIONS ..........................................................................................................................2
LICENSING ...............................................................................................................................3
LICENESING REQUIREMENTS AND CONDITIONS ......................................................4
SAFETY AND SECURITY.......................................................................................................4
ENTRY INTO FORCE, AMENDMENT, PERIOD OF VALIDITY ...................................5
ANNEX 1 – LICENCE APPLICATION .................................................................................7
Part I ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….7
Part II ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….11
Part III
ANNEX 2 – LICENCE CONDITIONS .................................................................................12
ANNEX 3 – FISHING LICENCE ..........................................................................................15
LOGBOOK (IOTC RESOLUTION 15/01)...........................................................................16
ANNEX 6 – VESSEL MONITORING SYSTEM.................................................................21
Part I ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….21
Part II ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………23
ANNEX 7 – LIST OF VESSELS COVERED BY THIS MOU ...........................................24
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1. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is to facilitate the operation of fishing
vessels owned or being within the association of [PARTY] in the Somali Exclusive Economic Zone
(EEZ) to target tuna and tuna like species.
2. The objective of this MOU is to establish a lasting relationship between the Ministry and [PARTY],
with a view to developing a legitimate and mutually beneficial fishery in the Somali EEZ.
3. Underlying the purpose and objective of this MOU is the recognition by the Parties that:
a. Somalia is a party to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982 (UNCLOS),
while the vessels to which this MOU applies are registered in States which are also Parties to
b. Somalia is a Contracting Party of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) and is therefore
bound by IOTC resolutions, while the vessels to which this MOU applies are registered in
States which are also Contracting Parties of the IOTC;
c. foreign fishing vessels are not permitted to operate between 24 nautical miles to the seaward
side of the Somali baseline and the Somali baseline; and
d. the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources of the Federal Government of Somalia is the
only entity which can legally issue licences for fishing vessels to operate in the Somali EEZ.
4. This MOU provides a foundation for access to the Somali EEZ for the exploitation of tuna and tuna
like species, in accordance with national legislation of the Federal Republic of Somalia and the
regional and international instruments relevant to all Parties. It establishes a framework for
procedures, requirements and conditions in relation to conducting fishing and related activities in the
Somali EEZ, including the following definitions:
a. "Area of competence of the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission” means as defined in Article II
of, and Annex A to, the IOTC Agreement.
b. "Automatic Identification system or AIS” means the system required pursuant to Chapter V,
Regulation 19 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea as may be
applicable to fishing vessels from time to time.
c. "Automatic Location Communicator” (ALC) or Mobile Transceiver Unit (MTU) means a
Somali Government approved device placed on a fishing vessel that transmits either in
conjunction with another device or devices or independently information concerning the
position, fishing and such other activities of the vessel as may be required.
d. "Fish aggregating Device or FAD” means an object or group of objects of any size, whether
drifting, anchored or deployed or not, that is natural, manufactured or a combination of both
and includes inter alia buoys, floats, netting, webbing, plastics, metals, bamboo, logs and
objects with electronic devices affixed floating or designed to float on or near the surface of
the water with which fish may associate, and any natural floating object on which associated
electronic equipment has been placed to facilitate its location.
e. "fishing” means searching for, attracting, locating, catching, taking or harvesting fish or any
activity which can reasonably be expected to result in the attracting, locating, catching, taking
or harvesting of fish, and includes the deployment, monitoring and retrieving of Fish
Aggregating Devices.
f. "fishing vessel” means any vessel used for, equipped to be used for or of a type that is
normally used for fishing or related activities.
g. "IOTC Agreement” means the 1993 Agreement for the establishment of the Indian Ocean
Tuna Commission” IOTC Area of competence 
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h. "international conservation and management measures or ICMMs” means any measure to
conserve and manage fish or fisheries that are adopted and applied consistently with the
relevant rules of international law, including those reflected in the 1982 United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea and the 1995 UN Fish Stocks Agreement, by any regional
fisheries management organization, treaty, agreement or arrangement applicable to the
Federal Republic of Somalia.
i. "longliner” means a fishing vessel used for, equipped to be used for or of a type that in
normally used for fishing with a drifting longline consists of a mainline kept near the surface
or at a certain depth by means of regularly spaced floats with relatively long snoods with
baited hooks on it.
j. "Minister” means the Minister responsible for fisheries in the Federal Government of
k. "Ministry” mean the Ministry responsible for fisheries in the Federal Government of
l. "operator” means any person who is in charge of, responsible for the operations of, directs or
controls a vessel, including the owner, charterer, master and the beneficiary of the economic
or financial benefit of the vessel’s operations.
m. "regional fisheries management organisation or RFMO” means an intergovernmental
fisheries organization or arrangement, as appropriate, that has the competence to establish
international conservation and management measures.
n. "relevant RFMO” means an RFMO in which the Federal Republic of Somalia is a member or
is otherwise legally bound by ICMMs adopted in accordance with its procedures.
o. "Supply vessel” means a vessel that assists a fishing vessel in any way related to the activity
of fishing and includes among other thing supply of equipment, gear, crew, fuel, and the
deployment, monitoring and retrieval of FADs.
p. "Somali Exclusive Economic Zone or EEZ” in relation to this MOU means the area between
24 nautical miles off shore and 200 nautical miles off shore, measured from the coastal
q. "target species” means tuna and tuna like species under the Indian Ocean Tuna Commission's
(IOTC) mandate which are subject to direct fishing effort, including as appropriate primary
and secondary target species.
r. "vessel” means any boat, ship, hovercraft or other water-going craft, and includes fishing
s. "vessel monitoring system or VMS” means a satellite-based reporting system to monitor the
position and activities of fishing vessels for the purpose of effective management of fisheries.
5. The annexes to this MOU form an integral part of this MOU and shall be read as one with this MOU.
6. All communications under this MOU, including reporting requirements, shall be in the English
7. [NUMBER] longliners owned by or being within the association of [PARTY] may, in accordance
with this MOU, operate in the Somali EEZ.
8. In order to operate in the Somali EEZ, each longliner is required to apply for, be granted and comply
with the conditions of a longline fishing licence in accordance with this MOU, and subject to payment
of the fee to be provided by the Minister. Longline fishing licences issued under this MOU are not
9. Each vessel holding a licence under this MOU shall comply with the provisions of this MOU, all
written legislation of the Federal Republic of Somalia, the conditions of licensing and all applicable
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10. Without prejudice to the generality of paragraph 9, due regard shall be given to IOTC Resolutions and
all vessels holding a licence under this MOU shall at all times comply with the conservation and
management measures adopted by the IOTC.
11. A list of the valid and applicable licences issued under this MOU shall be published and maintained
up to date on the official website of the Ministry.
12. An application for a licence under this MOU shall be in the form prescribed in Part I of Annex 1 of
this MOU.
13. The application required under paragraph 12, shall be accompanied by the documents required by Part
II of Annex 1 of this MOU and be submitted according to the procedures required by Part III of
Annex 2 of this MOU.
14. A licence shall only be issued once all pre-licensing requirements have been met, and the licensing fee
agreed has been received by the Ministry in the account identified in Annex 5 of this MOU.
15. Transhipment at sea is not be permitted unless in accordance with IOTC Resolution 14/06.
16. A licence shall be in the form provided in Annex 3 and subject to the conditions prescribed in Annex
2 of this MOU.
17. A certified copy of a licence issued under this MOU shall, throughout the period of validity of that
licence, be kept onboard the vessel for which it was issued at all times.
18. All vessels licenced under this MOU shall, as a condition of licencing, comply with the International
Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, as amended, at all times during the
period of validity of the licence.
19. All vessels licenced under this MOU shall be subject to the marking requirements in Annex 2 of this
20. All operators and crew of vessels licenced under this MOU shall comply with and assist as necessary
any person exercising a duty or power under the legislation of the Federal Republic of Somalia or as
empowered by the Minister.
21. All vessels shall be permitted to have on board armed guards, the number of which shall be disclosed
in the licence application form with any subsequent changes being communicated to the designated
officer of the Ministry within seven days of the change.
22. Any security incidents taking place in the Somali EEZ must be reported to the Minister as soon as
possible and not later than 24 hours after the incident in question has taken place. Such a report shall
include as a minimum the following:
a. location of the incident;
b. start time of the incident (expressed in UTC);
c. end time of the incident (expressed in UTC)
d. start date of the incident;
e. end date of the incident; and
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f. a description of the incident by the Master of the vessel, including the response of the Master
and the crew to the incident.
23. Where it is not possible to make such a report within the time frame in paragraph 22, the Master shall
include a justification to that effect in the description required under paragraph 22 (f).
24. The Federal Government of Somalia will do the outmost to pursue or cause to be pursued any incident
taking place.
25. This MOU enters into force upon signature by all Parties.
26. This MOU may be amended in writing by the consent of the Parties. Such amendments shall be in
accordance with national legislation and relevant regional and international instruments. In the event
that any provision of an amendment contradicts a provision of national legislation, international law,
an ICMM or other regional or international instrument, that provision shall be null and void.
27. This MOU shall be valid for a period of one year from the date on which it enters into force and shall
be automatically renewed for an additional year.
28. Notwithstanding paragraph 27, any Party may indicate in writing its intention to withdraw from this
MOU upon 30 days advance written notice to that effect to the other Party.
29. In the event of a withdrawal by either Party under paragraph 28, no refund shall be given for licences
issued under this MOU.
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IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned being duly authorized thereto by their respective
organizations, have executed these presents in the manner and on the day of the year herein below
For and on behalf of the Ministry
Signature ________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________
Designation ______________________________________
Date ____________________________________________
Signature ________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________
Designation ______________________________________
Date ____________________________________________
For and on behalf of [PARTY]
Signature ________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________
Designation ______________________________________
Date ____________________________________________
Signature ________________________________________
Name ___________________________________________
Designation ______________________________________
Date ____________________________________________
Official seal
Official seal 
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Part I
The application form below shall be completed in English and submitted to the Ministry by the
operator or agent in relation to each vessel applying for a licence under this MOU.
All writing must be in uppercase and cursive may not be used. All relevant fields must be completed.
Where a field is not applicable, this shall be indicated by "N/A”. Incomplete application forms will
not be considered. 
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Application for Foreign Fishing Licence
1. Name of applicant: ........................................................................................................................................................
2. Name of the ship owner and/or charterer and/or operator: ...........................................................................................
3. Address of the ship owner and/or charterer and/or operator:.........................................................................................
Tel:..................................................Fax:.............................................Email: ......................................................................
4. Producer Organisation / ship-owner’s representative (if applicable): ...........................................................................
5. Address of Producer Organisation / ship-owner’s representative (if applicable):.........................................................
Tel:..................................................Fax:.............................................Email: ......................................................................
6. Master’s name:.................................................Nationality: ...............................Email:................................................
7. Ship operator or chartering entity (if different from above):..........................................................................................
8. Address of the ship operator or chartering entity:..........................................................................................................
Tel:..................................................Fax:.............................................Email: ......................................................................
9. Name of agent in Somalia:.............................................................................................................................................
10. Address of agent in Somalia: .........................................................................................................................................
Tel:...................................................Fax:.............................................Email: ......................................................................
1. Name of vessel: .............................................................................................................................................................
Previous name(s) if any:
2. Flag state: ............................................................ Port of registration: ........................................................................
3. Vessel identifiers
Registration number:......................................................... .............................................IRCS:..........................................
IMO No.: .......................................................................... .......................................IOTC No.: .........................................
MMSI: ..............................................................................
4. Date of current flag registration (dd/mm/yyyy): ……/……/…… Previous flag (if applicable):.................................
5. Place of construction:................................................. Date (dd/mm/yyyy): ……/……/……
6. Radio call frequency: HF: ......................... VHF:...................Vessel satellite phone No.: ............................................
7. Vessel LOA (m): ..........................BOA (m): ........................ GT: ............................ Net T: .....................................
8. Hull material Steel Wood Polyester Other
9. Colour of hull: ....................................................... Colour of superstructure: .............................................................
10. Engine type:................................Engine Power (HP): .......................Engine manufacturer: ......................................
11. Max crew members: ...................
12. Conservation method on board: Ice Refrigeration Mixed Frozen
13. Processing capacity per day (24h) in tonnes: ..........................................................
14. Nb. of fish holds ............................................Total capacity of fish holds (in m3):..................
15. Type of vessel: Purse seiner Longliner Supply vessel2

1 Provide copies of Registration certificate and Authorization to Fish (ATF) if any 2 The list of fishing vessels supported by this Support vessel should be attached to this form. The list should contain the
name, registration and IOTC number of these vessels.
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Other Specify:
16. VMS - details of the automatic location device:
Manufacturer: ...........................................Model:..........................................Serial No.:.....................................................
Software version:....................................................Satellite operator (MCSP): ...................................................................
17. Fishing gear: ....................................................................................................................................................................
18. Fishing zones:..................................................................................................................................................................
19. Target species: ................................................................................................................................................................
20. Licence period(s) requested: 12 months, starting from (dd/mm/yyyy) ……/……/……
21. Designated ports of landing/transhipping:.......................................................................................................................
22. Company or government providing security on board:...................................................................................................
23. Contact details:
Address: ................................................................................................................................................................................
Tel:...................................................... Fax:...................................................... Email:.........................................................
24. Number of armed personnel on board:............................................................................................................................
25. Number and type of weapons on board:
26. Numbers and description of security equipment:............................................................................................................
I undersigned, hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true and correct and given in
good faith
Done in: .......................................................................................Date (dd/mm/yyyy):...........................................................
Signature and seal of the applicant:
Licence fee USD:
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Signature: Date (dd/mm/yyyy):
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Part II
The following certified copies of the following documents and digital or hard copy photographs, as a
minimum standard, shall be submitted to the Ministry by the operator of a vessel applying for a
licence or authorization under this MOU to support its application for a licence or authorization:
a. Certificate of registration;
b. Authorization to fish issued by the flag State.
c. Photos of the vessel (front, sides and aft)
Part III
The following Procedure to apply for a licence must be followed:
1. The completed application form and required documents shall be submitted to the Ministry at
both of the email addresses in Annex 5 of this MOU, in electronic format;
2. Within 14 days of receiving an application and all required documents, the Ministry shall assess
the application and the validity of the documents and shall communicate its decision to either
award or deny a licence to the owner, operator or agent that submitted the application;
3. Where the Ministry has communicated its decision to issue a licence, the applicable fee for that
vessel shall be paid to the Ministry, as detailed in Annex 5 of this MOU;
4. Upon receipt of the fee due for the licence, the Ministry shall issue the fishing licence and
communicate this to the owner, operator or agent;
5. Fishing operations shall not commence prior to the issuing of the longliner fishing licence.
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All longliners licensed under this MOU shall install and maintain a mobile transceiver unit on board
the fishing vessel and ensure it is fully operational at all times while in the Somali EEZ, in accordance
with Annex 6 of this MOU and all relevant IOTC resolutions.
Additionally, the Minister may require, as a condition of licence or authorization, that the operator of
the fishing vessel maintains an Automatic Identification System on board in accordance with the
specifications in Chapter V, Regulation 19 of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at
Sea, and that the vessel continually reports to the Somali FMC.
The following information, in addition to any other information that may be required, shall be
recorded and submitted to the Ministry for each vessel holding a valid and applicable longliner fishing
licence issued under this MOU for the period in which the vessel is operating in the Somali EEZ.
Entry to and exit from the Somali EEZ
Prior to entering the Somali EEZ, every vessel under this MOU shall communicate its intention to
enter the Somali EEZ. This communication shall include the vessel’s last port of call and estimated
time of arrival at the outer boundary of the Somali EEZ and shall be submitted to the Ministry via the
email addresses provided in Annex 5 between 6 and 12 hours before the estimated time of arrival at
the outer boundary of the EEZ. The vessel may only enter the Somali EEZ after receiving a
communication from the Ministry acknowledging receipt of the vessel’s communication.
Upon entry to or departure from the Somali EEZ, communicate to the Ministry:
a. position of the vessel by latitudes and longitudes;
b. date and time;
c. weight of catch on board by species.
While operating in the Somali EEZ
Each purse seiner licenced under this MOU shall maintain a national logbook, either paper bound or
electronic, in accordance with IOTC Resolutions. This shall include at a minimum the information in
Annex 5 of this MOU and any additional data required under ICMMs or by the Minister. Logbook
data for the time spent within the Somali EEZ shall be transmitted to the Ministry at both of the email
addresses identified in Annex 5 of this MOU in accordance with IOTC Resolution 15/01 paragraph 9,
within 48 hours of the vessel leaving the Somali EEZ.
Observer data
All data collected through national (flag State) or regional observer programmes shall, on the date it is
required to be submitted to the relevant national authority or regional organization, be submitted to
the Ministry at both of the email addresses identified in Annex 5 of this MOU. This applies
exclusively to data collected while the vessel in question is within the Somali EEZ.
Vessel markings
All longliners licenced under this MOU shall comply with the following marking requirements, in
addition to any other marking requirements that may be required, at all times during the period of
validity of the licence.
Contents of identification mark:
a. Any fishing vessel licensed under this MOU shall be given letters or numbers to be
displayed as its identification marks.
b. Identification marks shall include the International Telecommunication Union Radio
Call Sign.
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Location of marking
a. Identification marks shall be promptly displayed –
(i) on the vessel’s side or superstructure, port or starboard, on any vertical or
inclined surface, high above the water-line, but not on the flare of the bow
of the vessel or on the stem, in such a way as to be clearly visible both
from the sea and from the air; and
(ii) for vessels other than un-decked vessels, on a horizontal surface of the
vessel, athwart-ships, with the top of the letters and numbers towards the
bow of the vessel.
b. Identification marks shall be so placed that they –
(i) are not obscured at any time by fishing gear or any other gear or material,
whether stowed or in use;
(ii) are clear of flow from scuppers or overboard discharges and of areas that might
be prone to damage or discolouration occurring during or as a result of fishing
operations; and
(iii) do not extend below the water-line.
c. Where vessel presents a different structure on its port or starboard side, the
identification marking prescribed in item 2(a)(i) may be placed on the sides of the
vessel of its superstructure in an asymmetrical way: Provided that they otherwise
conform to the provisions of this form.
d. Where the identification marks prescribed by paragraph 2(a)(ii) are by necessity
painted on a horizontal surface habitually covered by an awning or other temporary
cover which would obscure the marking, the awning or other temporary cover shall
bear the same identification mark.
e. All boats, skiffs and craft, other than air craft, carried by the fishing vessel for fishing
operations shall bear the same identification mark as the vessel concerned.
Technical specifications
a. Block lettering and numbering shall be used throughout;
b. The height of letters and numbers shall be in proportion to size of the vessel in
accordance with the following criteria:
(i) For Identification marks to be displayed on the side on superstructure of the
vessel, item 2(a)(i) is applicable;
(ii) Length of the vessel and overall minimum height of vessel letters and numbers:
25 m and over: 0.8 m
20 m but less than 25 m: 0.6 m
15 m but less than 20 m: 0.5 m
12 m but less than 15 m: 0.4 m
5 m but less than 12 m: 0.3 m
Under 5 m: 0.1m
(iii) Identification marks to be displayed in accordance with item 2(a) (ii) on
horizontal surfaces of vessel with an overall length of five metres and more shall
have a height of not less than 0.3 metre;
c. The length of the hyphen shall be half of the height of the letters and numbers.
d. The width of the stroke for all letters, numbers and hyphen shall be one sixth of the
height of the letters and numbers. 
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e. The space between letters and or numbers, except in the case referred to in paragraph
(f), shall not exceed one quarter of the height of the letter and numbers or be less that
one sixth of that height.
f. The space between adjacent letters having sloping sides shall not exceed one eighth
of the height of the letters or be less than one tenth of that height.
g. Identification mark shall be white on black background or black in white background,
the background extending to provide a border around the letter and number of not less
than one sixth of the height of the letters and numbers.
h. Good quality marine paint shall be used for applying the identification markings set
out in this form.
i. Retro reflective, heat or heat – generating substances shall be acceptable, provided,
that the identification marks otherwise meet the requirements of this form.
j. The identification marks and the background to the same shall be maintained in a
good condition at all times
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Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources
Licence No.______________
Type of licence: National Foreign Research
Vessel Name: ___________________________________ Flag State: ____________________________
Type of Vessel: Purse seine Longline Supply Gillnet Pole-and-Line
Other : _______________________
Port of Registry: ______________________________________ Registration Number: ____________________
Call Sign: _____________________ IMO number: _______________________
Year & Place Built: ____________________ Length LOA (m)______________ Breadth BOA (m): _________
Tonnage (GT):__________________ Engine power (HP):________________
Name & Address of Owner:
Name & Address of Operator:
Name & Address of Skipper:
Fishing Grounds:
Target Species:
Valid from: _______/_______/_______ to: _______/_______/_______
This licence is granted subject to all provisions of the Somali fisheries law, fisheries regulations, ministerial
decrees and all other applicable laws.
NOTE: The Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources has the right to cancel and nullify this fishing license if
the holder (owner/master/operator/ charterer) violates the National Fisheries Law and Regulation of Somalia,
any IOTC conservation and management measures or any other conditions set by the Ministry.
Date of Issue: ____________________
The Minister
(Name, signature and seal)
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Record once per trip (unless gear configuration changes)
1.1 report information
1. Date of the submission of logbook
2. Name of reporting person
1.2 vessel information
1. Vessel name and/or registration number
2. IMO number, where available
3. IOTC number
4. Call sign: if call sign is not available, other unique identifying code such as fishing
licence number should be used
5. Vessel size: gross tonnage and overall length (meters)
1.3 cruise information
For multiday fishing operations record the:
1. Departure date (at your location) and port
2. Arrival date (at your location) and port
1.4 other required information
(Gear Configuration):
1. (Average branch line length (meters): straight length in meters between snap and
hook (Figure 1)
2. Average float line length (meters): straight length in meters from the float to the snap
3. Average length between branch (meters): straight length of main line in meters
between successive branch lines
4. Main line material classified into four categories:
a) Thick rope (Cremona rope)
b) Thin rope (Polyethylene or other materials)
c) Nylon braided
d) Nylon monofilament
5. Material of the terminal tackle of the branch line (leader/trace) classified into two
a) Nylon monofilament
b) Other (such as wire)
Record once per set/shot/operation
2.1 operation
1. Date of set
2. Position in latitude and longitude: either position at noon or position of start of gear
or area code of operation (e.g. Seychelles EEZ, High seas, etc.) may be optionally
3. Time of starting setting and, when possible, retrieving the gear
4. Number of hooks between floats: if there are different hooks counts between floats in
a single set then record the most representative (average) number
5. Total number of hooks used in the set
6. Number of light–sticks used in the set
7. Type of bait used in the set: e.g. fish, squid, etc.
8. Optionally, sea surface temperature at noon with one decimal point (XX.Xo
2.2 catch
Catch weight (kg) or number by species per set/shot/fishing event for each of the species and form of
processing in the table below by number and weight.
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Primary Species FAO
Other Species FAO
Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus
SBF Shortbill spearfish (Tetrapturus
Albacore (Thunnus alalunga) ALB Blue shark (Prionace glauca) BSH
Bigeye tuna (Thunnus obesus) BET Mako sharks (Isurus spp.) MAK
Yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares) YFT Porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus) POR
Skipjack tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) SKJ Hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna spp.) SPN
Swordfish (Xiphius gladius) SWO Silky shark (Carcharhinus falciformis) FAL
Striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) MLS Other bony fishes MZZ
Blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) BUM Other sharks SKH
Black marlin (Makaira indica) BLM Seabirds (in number)3
Indo–Pacific sailfish (Istiophorus
SFA Marine Mammals (in number) MAM
Marine turtles (in number) TTX
Thresher sharks (Alopias spp.) THR
Oceanic whitetip shark (Carcharhinus
Optional species to be recorded
Tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) TIG
Crocodile shark (Pseudocarcharias
Great white shark (Carcharodon
Mantas and devil rays (Mobulidae) MAN
Pelagic stingray (Pteroplatytrygon
Other rays
2.3 remarks
1. Discard of tuna, tuna-like fish and sharks to be recorded by species in weight (kg) or number
for all gears should be recorded in the remarks4
2. Any interactions with whale sharks (Rhincodon typus), marine mammals, and seabirds should
be recorded in the remarks
3. Other information is also written in the remarks
Note: The species included in the logbooks are regarded as minimum requirement.
Optionally other frequently caught shark and/or fish species should be added as required
across different areas and fisheries.

3 When the observer programme of a relevant RFMO is being fully implemented the provision of seabird data
is optional
4 Note relevance of any ban on discards of skipjack tuna, Yellowfin tuna, bigeye tuna and non-target species
caught by purse seiners.
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Figure 1. Longline (Gear Configuration): Average branch line length (meters): straight length in
meters between snap and hook.
Terminal tackle of the branch line
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Any related communication and applications for licences, including all required documentation, shall
be submitted to the following email addresses:
Ahmed Mathobe: [email protected]
Payment and banking details for the Ministry is as follows:
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QMXG-10/300 /2018 Mogadishu, July 03, 2018
Ku: Wasaaradda Kalluumeysiga & Qayraadka Badda Muqdishu.
Ujeeddo:- Habka Lacagta loogu soo diro Bankiga Dhexe.
Waxaan halkaan idinkugu soo gudbineynaa habka lacagta loogu soo diro xisaabtiina ka furan
Bankiga Dhexe ee Soomaaliya, waa sida hoos ku xusan:-
Currency and Amount: Ordering
Ordering Institution:
Sender's Correspondent Bank:
Receiver's Correspondent Bank:
Swift Code:
Account No.
Beneficiary Institution Acc. & Address:
Swift code:
General Mudurlugu Hazine Operayolari Bolum
Baskanligi Maslak Mah. Eski Buyiikdere Cad. No:
39 B Blok 34398 Sisii-1stanbu1/Turkey
USD #99902253 5003
P. O. Box 1 1 Corso Somalia 55
Mogadishu, Somalia CBSOSOSM
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Part I
1. The operator of every fishing vessel holding a valid and applicable licence issued under this MOU
shall, unless otherwise prescribed:
(a) install and maintain a mobile transceiver unit, registered in accordance with this Act, on board
the fishing vessel and ensure it is fully operational at all times;
(b) ensure that the mobile transceiver unit is tamper resistant and of a type and configuration that
prevent the input or output of false positions, and not capable of being over-ridden, whether
manually, electronically or otherwise, and is:
(i) located within a sealed unit; and
(ii) protected by official seals (or mechanisms) of a type that will indicate whether the
unit has been accessed or tampered with.
(c) transmit the following information to the Ministry at least once every two hour, or such other
time as may be prescribed:
(i) the vessel identification;
(ii) the current geographical position of the vessel (longitude, latitude) with a position
error which shall be less than 500 metres, at a confidence level of 99%; and
(iii)the date and time (expressed in UTC) of the fixing of the said position of the vessel.
2. In the event of technical failure or non-functioning of the Mobile Transceiver Unit, the operator
shall cause the vessel to come to a port approved by the Minister within twenty-four hours and
during that period shall report every half hour and shall otherwise comply with the requirements
in Part II of this Annex.
3. The operator shall comply with any conditions that may be prescribed or required by the Minister
or any applicable international conservation and management measure, including:
(a) the type of vessel monitoring system equipment to be used;
(b) installation procedures;
(c) operational requirements;
(d) information requirements;
(e) confidentiality; and
(f) declaration reports.
4. Where the power supply to the vessel monitoring system in the vessel monitoring operations
centre is interrupted, or the mobile transceiver unit fails to operate, the requirements of paragraph
2 shall apply except that the Minister may allow the vessel to continue fishing under special
arrangements that shall include the following:
(a) reporting by any means of communication every three hours of the information required
under paragraph 1(c);
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(b) estimated time and port of arrival;
(c) inspection at port of the vessel and catch by an authorized officer;
(d) the operator shall provide a copy of the fishing vessel’s track for verification,
provided that such special arrangements may only be made once in respect of each fishing vessel,
and the Minister shall maintain a record of the frequency of breakdown of Mobile Transceiver
Units to ensure that there are no repeated uses or abuses of such arrangements.
5. Notwithstanding the above, the mobile transceiver unit may be switched off when the fishing
vessel is in port for a period of more than one week, subject to prior notification to, and approval
of, the Flag State, and if the Flag State so desires also to the IOTC Secretariat, provided that the
first position report generated following the re-powering (activating) shows that the fishing vessel
has not changed position compared to the last report.
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Part II
1. In the event of a technical failure or non-operation of the mobile transceiver unit fitted on board a
fishing vessel, the operator shall repair or replace the device within one month. After this period,
the operator shall not be authorised to commence a fishing trip with a defective mobile transceiver
2. Furthermore, when a device stops functioning or has a technical failure during a fishing trip
lasting more than one month, the repair or the replacement shall take place as soon as the vessel
enters a port. The fishing vessel shall not be authorised to commence a fishing trip without the
mobile transceiver unit having been repaired or replaced.
3. In the event of a technical failure or non-functioning of the mobile transceiver unit on board the
fishing vessel, the operator or a representative shall communicate immediately to the Somali
FMC, and elsewhere as directed by the Minister stating the time that the failure or the nonfunctioning was detected or notified in accordance with this Schedule. In the event of a technical
failure or non-functioning of the vessel monitoring device on board the fishing vessel, the
operator of the vessel, or a representative, shall also communicate to the Somali FMC the
information required in Part I, at least every four hours by email, facsimile, telex, or telephone
message or radio.
4. When the Somali FMC has not received for 12 hours data transmissions referred to in Part I
paragraph 1(c) and paragraph 3 of this part or has reasons to doubt the correctness of such data
transmissions, the Director General shall as soon as possible notify the operator or a
representative thereof. If this situation occurs more than two times within a period of one year in
respect of a vessel, the Director General shall investigate the matter, including directing an
authorised official to check the device in question, in order to establish whether the equipment
has been tampered with. The outcome of this investigation shall be forwarded to a relevant
RFMO within 30 days of its completion or as otherwise provided in an applicable international
conservation and management measure.
5. Where there has been a technical failure or non-functioning of the mobile transceiver unit, the
Minister shall, as soon as possible but no later than two working days following detection or
notification of technical failure or non-functioning of the vessel monitoring device on board the
fishing vessel, forward the geographical positions of the vessel to the Secretariat of a relevant
RFMO, or shall ensure that these positions are forwarded to such Secretariat by the operator or a
representative of the operator of the vessel.
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Annex 8: Licensing fee structure
Vessel type and size Annual licence fee ($ USD)
Longliner <400 GT 35,000
Longliner >400 GT 50,000
Supply vessels 10,000

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