impeachment motion against Somalia President - treason

Wednesday September 06, 2017 - 18:54:08 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    impeachment motion against Somalia President - treason - 110 MPs and senators have signed motion that asks removal of Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, whom they accuse of treason after he violated article 36 & 37 of the Somali constitution.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - 110 MPs and senators have signed motion that asks removal of Somali president Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo, whom they accuse of treason after he violated article 36 & 37 of the Somali constitution.

The motion will be submitted to the houses of the parliament on Saturday 9 september, before its being taken to the high court to rule the impeachment.

The president has been accused that he extradited former Somali military official, Abdikarim Sheikh Muse, aka Qalbi Dhagah.  This can amount to treason since the country’s constitution guarantees protection of Somali nationals and foreigners from rendition to countries where they can face persecution.

Should the Supreme Court and parliament sub-committee on constitution agree impeachment against the president, he’ll for sure lose since the ballot is done in secret.

Protests that appear to be public appraisal shook inside and outside the country.  Protesters express their anger as to why a freedom fighter was handed to Ethiopia.

The shocking issue in the heart of this unfortunate event is that, a Somali citizen was simply handed to Ethiopia without trial, while we know they accused him of criminal activity.

Here are articles in the Somali constitution that pertain to refugees.

-          Article 36.  Extradition of indictees and criminals

1-      Extradition of indictees and criminals can only be accepted in accordance with the law, and the existence of such treaty which Somali Federal republic is part,and international agreement that binds Somali government rendition of indictee and criminal.

2-       Extradition of indictees and criminals should conform international laws, and federal parliament should issue law that regulate extradition of criminals.


-          Article 37. Refugees and their protection in the constitution.


1-      Anybody who enters Somali federal republic as a refugee, has a right to remain it and not to be deported to a third country should there is eminent threat of persecution.

2-      Federal Parliament should issue law that regulate extradition of criminals.

It seems Mr Farmajo lost 80% of public support, and it is possible to see disturbances inside Somalia which lead death and suffering, if there is no solution for  the current rising tension.

By Dahir Alasow

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