Somalia:Government's PR Strategy Mocked As Hashtag Igu Sawir Goes Viral

Saturday July 29, 2017 - 02:25:24 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia:Government's PR Strategy Mocked As Hashtag Igu Sawir Goes Viral - Hip Hop Artiste IlKacase Song "Igu Sawir" Goes Viral As Somalia Govt is Mocked Over Photo PR Stunts.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Hip Hop Artiste IlKacase Song "Igu Sawir" Goes Viral As Somalia Govt is Mocked Over Photo PR Stunts.

The words Igu Sawir is trending on social media with Somalis sharing photos of people in ridiculous situation mocking the government's public relations of posting what some think are publicity stunts.

The hashtag came about after a Somali hip hop artiste Ilkacase Qeys released a song Igu Sawir to criticise government's inaction and supposed empty promises.

"The government has become more of a PR government feeding the nation with photos that don't amount to action" Qeys told Radio Dalsan in Mogadishu.

"A good example is when many promises were made on the injurer soldier Faiza. The Prime Minister and President were all photos promising to take her for medical assistance in Germany She has never been assisted months later" Qeys said.

"That is what inspired me to write the song Igu Sawir. Am amazed that it has been trending for days" he said.

"All we want is the government to be action oriented. We want to see more action less talk" Qeys said.

"My Facebook page has had over 4million visits in the last four days. Igu Sawir has gone viral" Qeys told Radio Dalsan.

Some of the ridiculous photos include a man posing in an empty grave, a boy with a goat, women wearing the "macawis" loincloth and even selfies in the toilets.

The Villa Somalia and Office of the Prime Minister has had a well organised Public relations strategy perhaps as compared to previous administration but from the public perception most Somali would rather see action and not talk or photos.

The Igu Sawir craze has not only hit Somalia but neighbouring Kenya Ethiopia and the Somali diaspora.

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