A re-election of corrupt leader is a recipe for renewed violence In Somalia.

Sunday January 29, 2017 - 05:14:38 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    A re-election of corrupt leader is a recipe for renewed violence In Somalia. - The former leader of Somali Federal Government, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, is grabbing the strategic national assets such as farms, schools, hospitals, stadiums, department buildings, government owned lands kept for road reserves and med

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - The former leader of Somali Federal Government, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, is grabbing the strategic national assets such as farms, schools, hospitals, stadiums, department buildings, government owned lands kept for road reserves and medical facilities to get enough cash in order to fund his predatory reelection dirty exercise.

Mohamud also either sold or gave to cronies public parks in the ravaged capital. 

Among the land he sold to greedy business people include few remaining assets left behind by the Somali government that was overthrown in a bloody clan battle in 1991.

"President Hẳssẳn is stealing the remaining national property spared even by the ruthless warring factions for more than 20 years.," a university lecturer who gave only his name as Ahmed afraid for his life said.

A security sensitive Ahmed, who spoke in Mogadishu, said the former president also licensed his family members to grab as much as they  could  in case he is not re-elected. 

"He is taking all what he can in order to pay high amount of money to greedy Somali MPs so they would vote in his favor,"  Ahmed told Wasgacusub media.

Mohamud was recently described as the most corrupt leader in nations's  history since independence in 1960, he Kept that title without shame during his rule.

The former leader who's mandate expired in August last year also put his country as the most corrupt nation in the world.

"The theft of Mohamud has no limitation," Aisha Aidarus, a mother of six children said. 

"In a very short time he became rich man from a extremely poor family background," Aisha said.

"We are blaming for the unfortunate situation we face on the government of Qatar that gave the money which afforded him to buy votes and unlawfully to become a president." Who lost her husband who was killed last year by terrorist group of Shabab  said.

Aidarus is referring to his first election before 4 years in a process boosted  by corruption. 

"In my heart he is not a president but a cartel leader of 4 years " she cried. 

It is an open secret that the government of Qatar unlawfully gave huge sum of money and he corrupted the parliament that voted him to office. 

"We don't hate the people of Qatar but they brought us a corrupt man to be Head of State," Ilyas Dhaqane, a trader in United Arab Emirates said. 

He added that most of the population in Somalia are preoccupied that Mohamud might be reelected by vote buying. Meanwhile, a very senior military officer in Mogadishu who demanded anonymity warned that if Mohamud becomes the new corrupt leader more people will oppose him in order to  avoid the continuation of dishonest administration.

"There is no platform for a political opposition but the annoyance may lead more to armed confrontation," the officer said.

But he also added  " the worst is some may support armed Islamic rebellion only to overthrow Mohamud and without looking in to the political consequences." 

The officer also said the reelection of Mohamud will be a beginning of more severe violence, most people pray that he will not come back."

The reelection of Mohamud is seen by many as a bonus  to terrorism as well. 

Several presidential candidates accused Mohamud of sabotaging constitutional arrangements that could have resulted to a better election process. 

Mohamud's nickname is called "Qabyo" by Somalis which means sabotage.

Report by Dahir Alasow

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