Kenya:Video Dozens of people protest against Dahabshiil over alleged killings‏

Monday August 22, 2016 - 01:18:04 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Kenya:Video Dozens of people protest against Dahabshiil over alleged killings‏

    WaraqNews— A Dozen of people protested against Dahabshiil allegedly executing people in Dadaab, Kenya late last June, Ogaden24 New reported.

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WaraqNews— A Dozen of people protested against Dahabshiil allegedly executing people in Dadaab, Kenya late last June, Ogaden24 New reported.

Most of those demonstrating were waving signs which read: "Dahabshiil equals melting Blood” and they sang an anti-Dahabshiil song which calling it, as an anti-race or human killer.

"Dahabshiil works with the Somali enemy which its work is to dismember and destroy the Somali community. We have an evidence that we have seen and heard from others which indicates killings and financing Ethiopia, "Ahmed said in an interview with Ogaden24 news website. 

Most of the protesters accused Dahabshiil of killing important figures, like Saado Ali Warsame,- a Somalian parliamentarian and singer of socially relevant songs who was gunned down by Al Shabaab in 2014.

However, despite continued allegations , Dahabshiil company denies any wrongdoing.


Waraq News

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