Somali youth boycott watching inter-state football tournaments in Mogadishu

Friday July 22, 2016 - 09:08:25 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somali youth boycott watching inter-state football tournaments in Mogadishu

    Waagacusub.Net – Tense moment in Mogadishu after teens from tribes of Habargidir, Duduble, Murusade, Hawadle, Udeejeen, Banadiri and Jarerweyne announced that they will not watch inter-state football tournaments opened in Mogadishu.

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Waagacusub.Net – Tense moment in Mogadishu after teens from tribes of Habargidir, Duduble, Murusade, Hawadle, Udeejeen, Banadiri and Jarerweyne announced that they will not watch inter-state football tournaments opened in Mogadishu.

The teens boycotted it and termed it" a tribalism project" intended to raise money for the president and one of his first-lady.They said that they would not pay a single dollar such kind of project. 

"The competitors from around states were given accommodation by hotels belonging to a single tribe and every fan were asked to pay two or five U.S dollars. Banadir administration which partnered with the first lady will be given the revenue," Yonis Abdinur, the Chairman of the Habargidir teenagers in Banadir told Waagacusub Media. 

Abdirisak Yusuf, the chairman of Murusade tribe also said the match was Tribalized and intended to be nurtured individuals from Abgaal tribe. 

"Our decision is to boycott it and we say the fans let be  those their tribesmen are being nurtured it," added Yusuf.

Some of the teens leaders from Hawadle, Udeejeen, Banadiri and Jarerweyne said that they boycott it because of being a found-raising project for President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and his wife. All spoke on condition of anonymity for their safety. 

The United Nations spent a lot of money such kind of inter-state football tournaments when elders from Hiiraan province said their children were stolen by individuals using the UN's plane. Therefore, the UN will hold responsible if any harm comes to them.

By Dahir Alasow.

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