Somali regions football tournaments can be implementing tribalism

Sunday July 17, 2016 - 02:12:57 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somali regions football tournaments can be implementing tribalism —Mogadishu administration has the first time started tribalism for favoring certain hotels over others which can ignite violence among the co-existing residents, according to our sources.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus —Mogadishu administration has the first time started tribalism for favoring certain hotels over others which can ignite violence among the co-existing residents, according to our sources. The administration partnered with hotels belonging to one tribe, Abgaal Osman, to give accommodation to the players from different regions of the country.

At least 150 players are serving accommodation from hotels such as Global, Mogadishu Inn and Oriental and all of them belong to business people from the same clan. The United Nations to pay the total revenue as well as the transportation, and the flight tickets. 

Moreover, the administration took the revenue from the Stadium konnis which was five U.S dollar for each VIP and two U.S dollar for the normal place.

Most of the fans boycotted the match in protest against the nepotism and the Banadir stadium was empty. 

The Somali regions football tournaments that opened in Mogadishu were from four Somali regional states and each regional state sent 25 of its players. But prayers from Hiiraan, Middle Shabelle, and Banaadir were 50 altogether,making 150 for all of them. 

 The fans of Mogadishu boycotted the match because of the administration's  misconduct. 

The residents, the Business people and the politicians of Mogadishu asked themselves questions like these, "Where are the other hotels?"  Why hotels belonging to a single tribe are hospitalizing all the players from different parts of the country? "Shouldn't the football tournaments be a sign of interaction between the Somali communities?"  "And Why is the Banadir administration receiving the revenue from the stadium ?" 

Meanwhile, The governor and the first lady, Sahra Indayar, who brokered it are the shareholders of the revenue received from the Banadir stadium, according to a source familiar with the case.  

However, the football tournaments that was opened in Mogadishu can not be called social interaction but ignition and creating chaos among the Banadir residents for implementing tribalism. 

By Dahir Alasow, 

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