Somalia: General of the Nation's armed forces to resign over disagreement with President HSM

Saturday July 16, 2016 - 06:13:18 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia: General of the Nation's armed forces to resign over disagreement with President HSM

    Mogadishu, Somalia ( —A Serious disagreement between Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and General Mohamed Aden Ahmed, the head of the nation's armed forces started after the General rejected to receive direct orders fr

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Mogadishu, Somalia ( —A Serious disagreement between Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and General Mohamed Aden Ahmed, the head of the nation's armed forces started after the General rejected to receive direct orders from foreign troops belong to African Union better known as AMISOM. "He is a leader who lacks the sense of patriotism and favors more the foreigners, General Ahmed said  of President Mohamud in a statement to Waagacusub Media.

Ahmed is going to write his resignation letter in this week and he accused the Somali President of the following misconducts. 

1. President Mohamud interferes with every single thing within the army even if a unit commander to be replaced he is the one giving the order. 

2. He said that his tribal soldiers with the army should be selected so that they would be deployed in Eldher and Masagaway, his places of origin.

3. President Mohamud (Gargurte) ordered army leaders and their deputies to receive their orders from AMISOM but General Mohamed rejected it.

4. President Mohamud wants to run  the logistics and finance at will and asked once to be handed over a large amount of food and petrol belonging to the army to his wife Sahra Indayar, an ordered rejected by General Mohamed Adan.

Finally, as the head of the nation’s armed forces said he will write his resignation letter in this week and the president's wife wants Bashir Mohamed Jama (Bashir Goobe as his predecessor.

However, If General Ahmed resigns it will be a big blew to President Mohamud and will turn the International Community against Mohamud's policy.

By Dahir Alasow,

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