Somali President resettles his two families in Turkey and Tanzania

Friday February 14, 2014 - 08:59:04 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somali President resettles his two families in Turkey and Tanzania

    Are the Somali president's children more costly than the thousand of children in the refugee camps either abroad or inside Somalia?

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Are the Somali president's children more costly than the thousand of children in the refugee camps either abroad or inside Somalia? - The president of the Somali government Mr. Hassan Gargurte resettled his families in Turkey and Tanzania.

The president deployed his mature sons and daughters to higher education in England and Ukraine.

President Garguurte has just sent his wife Mrs. Qamar Cali Cumar to Turkey whereas his second wife whose name is Sahra Omar Hassan was resettled in Tanzania.

The humorous thing, is that he is campaigning for how the other refugees could have returned back to Somalia. The president has signed a much organized and forceful repatriation of the innocent refugees suffering inside Kenya.

Somali president Hassan Ulusow and his former minister of foreign affairs Fawziya Yusuf have both signed that agreement targeting the repatriation of refugees to be forced to return to their country.

Actually, anybody who has ever expected that Hassan Garguurte is a compatriot leader is now confused. The citizens are asking themselves "Why? Why is the president Hassan Gargurte resettling his own family to foreign countries as he forces other Somalis to be returned to their country even by force?!"

Are the Somali president's children more costly than the thousand of children in the refugee camps either abroad or inside Somalia?

Would Garguurte believed in that Somalia is a peaceful, he would have never think of the resettlement of his family to an abroad country, so he knows Somalia is unsafe for everybody either refugees or his children.

All the same, his mere intention is to make huge money from the top stage of the government and after he reaches his wealth creation objectives he is intending to abandon the homeland, instead of introducing his people the much needed cohesion and full governance.

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