Somalia: Faruk forms journalitic terrorism gang

Wednesday June 16, 2010 - 21:51:38 in Featured Items by Super Admin
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    Somalia: Faruk forms journalitic terrorism gang

    Faruq fought against those journalists whom he believed could unfold his sinister ambition

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Faruq fought against those journalists whom he believed could unfold his sinister ambition

June 17, 2010 Ref: 010023CHA024  Open letter From Asoj

Notice: a symbol of violation of journalistsf rights, fabrications

To whom my Concern

We are hereby writing this letter at a time, which the Somali journalists inside the country and outside are united, and a plan to uncover the man called Omar Faruqfs who is a symbol of violation of journalistsf rights, fabrications, fraudulent conspiracies will be exposed.

Omar Faruq who was historically a forgery shop keeper at the Abdalle Shideya section of the Bakara Market, has been seen in the year 2001, with a digital camera in his hand, sending pictures to the website which belongs to a man who hail from his tribe. At the same time he became a member of an organization founded by the website reporters by the name SOJON.

Faruq fought and later on impounded the leader ship of the organization from the journalists who established it, and afterward published false information by claiming that the president at the time Abdulkasim Salad Hassan threatened him with murder. His fabricated information was uncovered when he met with Mr. Abdulkasim at the Grand regency Hotel In Nairobi, where Mr Abdulkasim astonishingly uttered that he has never heard about the Name Omar Faruq, and the only person he knows with that name is the Famous Somali Cleric, Sheikh Omar Faruq.

Omar Faruq achieved his ambition. He managed to obtain a Italy Visa in order to claim for asylum by the United Kingdom. Its worth mentioning that ASOJ chairman Mr Dahir A. Alasow welcomed him in Nairobi, but unfortunately he stole money and Passport belonging to the man who ushered him to 680 Hotel, Mr. Hussein Jabiri, an American citizen with Somali Origin who currently works for UNICEF.

From that time, Omar Faruq was well known for fabrications, and secured a lot of money and popularity in the international arenas up to the extent that he assassinated, arrested the Somali journalists, and forced them to flee by using the money he received from the international donors in the name of the Somali journalists.

Faruq fought against those journalists whom he believed could unfold his sinister ambition. He unlawfully overthrew the NUSOJ chairman Mohamed Haji Barre Fiyoore. He masterminded the murder of Hornafrik Media Inc. Director Ali Iman Sharmarke, director of Radio Shabelle Mukhtar Mohamed Hirabe, and the vice chairman of NUSOJ Nasteh Dahir who refused his menacing objectives.

Omar Faruq used to implement his ruthless acts through the Al Shababfs head of information Hassan Hanafi Haji, whom we have document evidence about the way they worked together. In the meantime they agreed to create a hostile environment, in order to make the journalists in Mogadishu flee, and generate donations from the international organizations.

In one instance, Faruq arrested five journalists in Djibouti. They were later informed that they can neither criticize, nor to talk about his operations in Djibouti. After having fed up with Faruqfs violations, the Somali journalists in Kenya came together and established a union which advocates their rights shortly after Faruq sold Visas he received from the Italian embassy in Nairobi in the name of the Somali journalists, to ordinary people.

Omar Faruq proudly tells the Somali journalists that he works for the western intelligence has realized that the journalists are united to seek for their rights, and that is the reason he writes false reports to the international organizations about the personality, and the knowledge of the Associated Somali journalists (ASOJ) chairman Mr. Dahir Abdulle Alasow and the chairman of the Somali Journalists rights Agency Dafud Abdi Dafud.

Both are individuals who are known for their tireless advocacy for the needy Somali journalists. The ASOJ chairman Mr. Alasow, who has been working in the Somali media at a very difficult time since 1993 has established a journalism institute in Mogadishu, and assists the journalists who need help with his income. He never received donations ever since the establishment of ASOJ in 2003.

Having known, and appreciating how the Amnesty International has a full information the personality of Omar Faruq, we would like to let the international community know that Omar Faruk wants to create a terror organization, Similar to Al-Shabab within the Somali Media. Therefore it is necessary to assist us in order for him to be brought to justice.

By Abdi Fitah Mohamed

Asoj Secretary Office




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