Somalia's PM appoints second deputy PM, creating new senior role

Tuesday October 22, 2024 - 03:11:14 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia's PM appoints second deputy PM, creating new senior role

    Somalia Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre appointed Abdisalam Abdi Ali as the second Deputy Prime Minister on Monday, in a controversial decision that has reignited debate about the establishment of the new senior position that has not been part of Som

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Somalia Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre appointed Abdisalam Abdi Ali as the second Deputy Prime Minister on Monday, in a controversial decision that has reignited debate about the establishment of the new senior position that has not been part of Somali administrations for the past decade.
Prior to this appointment, Abdisalam Abdi Ali served as the Deputy Minister of Public Works. 

When rumors of the appointment first emerged, they triggered a heated dispute among politicians from the Dir clan, currently holding the deputy prime minister position, and the Rahanwayn clan, which has been pressuring Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud for a greater share of the country’s power-sharing system. 

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