Sunday September 26, 2021 - 03:35:52 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    SOMALIA: CRIMES COMMITTED BY FARMAJO - ICC Court -Former Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has been indicted by the International Criminal Court. Mr Farmajo has been charged with the following crimes during his presidency.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus -Former Somali President Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo has been indicted by the International Criminal Court. Mr Farmajo has been charged with the following crimes during his presidency.
1.He handed over to Ethiopia the Somali hero Abdikarim Sheikh Muse Qalbidhagax.
2.He signed four Port agreements with Ethiopia in one hour, an agreement that was not presented to Parliament for approval.
3.He attacked Wadajir and he killed the guards who were in the compound and buried then them with their shoes.
4.He attacked a farm in Barire and killed civilians, mostly Innocent Children.
5.He illegally removed the Speaker of Parliament Prof. Jawari which is against the law.
6.He disconnected Water and Electricity from the home of the 2nd Speaker of Parliament Mr Mursal after he tabled a motion against Farmajo.
7.He illegally removed his first Prime Minister Hassan Ali Kheyre.
8.He ordered the armed men to attack Abdi Qeybdid's house and they left everything in the house destroyed including the Toilet where the general's wife was hidding.
9.He attacked Hassan Hutan's farm, killed some of the workers, burnt the property and arrested others.
10. Parliament was forced to take legal Immunities  opposition MPs but failed. Casket
11.He imposed Illegal sanctions against the people and the administration of Jubbaland and blocking flights.
12.He illegally obstructed former Presidents Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud on their way to Kismayo.
13.He illegally and inhumanely ordered a plane carrying former Presidents Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and Sheikh Sharif not to land in Beledweyne.
14.He killed civilians in Baidoa and then abducted Mukhtar Robow Ali, whose life and death are still unknown as he has not been brought to justice. He forcibly appointed Abdi Aziz Lafta Gareen as Presidential adviser.
15.He overthrew the people Will and the soldiers of Ahlu Sunnah in Dhusamareb by forcibly ousting Ahmed Qoor Qoor who refused to run in a free election.
16.He illegally ousted the Presidents of HirShabelle Ali Abdullahi Osoble and Waare Jiis, and illegally appointed Ali Gudlawe as the President of HirShabelle.
17.An explosion killed the mayor of Mogadishu, Abdirahman Yarisow, and he refused the case to be investigated independently.
18. Attacked Sharif Sheikh Ahmed and Hassan Sheikh Mohamud at the Maida Hotel, his predecessors, the Prime Minister and his successor, luckily, they survived the assassination attempt.
19.He attacked his former Prime Minister Hassan Ali Khaire and prominent Politicians such as Abdirahman Abdishakur but survived the plot to assassinate him.
20.He announced that he had extended his term by two more years, which led to fighting in Mogadishu.
21.He stopped the importation of khat by Hawiye traders from Kenya, and awarded  the khat contract exclusively to his brother Hassan Farmajo from Ethiopia.
22.He killed an officer from the National Security Forces, Deqow, whose body was found in the  rubbish pit.
23.He promoted Abdirashid Janan, who was accused of war crimes, and acquitted General Sadaq John.
24.He kidnapped senior NISA officer Ikran Tahlil and then prevented an investigation to bring the perpetrators to justice, causing obstruction of Justice.
25.Farmajo, whose term ended on 8th, February, 2021, handed over power to the Electoral Commission  and Security,  Prime Minister Roble, but after the Ikran abduction case, Farmajo fought with the Prime Minister and handed over the reins of government to himself.Such acts, if brought before a court of Law, are sufficient crimes to be sentenced to life imprisonment or death by hanging.
By Dahir Alasow

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