Stichting Somij aims at encouraging reporters to utilize investigative methods for in-depth reporting

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    Stichting Somij aims at encouraging reporters to utilize investigative methods for in-depth reporting

    SOMIJ.ORG - STICHTING SOMIJ is a Somalia-based non-profit organization dedicated to helping the people of Somalis to understand what is happening in their country. The goal is to give the people the information they need to make informed decisions i

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SOMIJ.ORG - STICHTING SOMIJ is a Somalia-based non-profit organization dedicated to helping the people of Somalis to understand what is happening in their country. The goal is to give the people the information they need to make informed decisions in a participatory democracy, to hold government and government officials accountable and to promote transparency through improving the freedom to access information.
Who we are -SOMIJ
The Association for Investigative Journalism in Somalia (Somali Investigative Journalists) aims at encouraging reporters to utilize investigative methods for in-depth reporting. This is done by providing training as well as in-house instruction. Also, a yearly seminar gathers of reporters for the purpose of sharing their collective experiences, education and knowledge in the field. SOMIJ was founded in 1 Augusto 2013.
(SOMIJ) is a Somalia-based non-profit organization dedicated to helping the people of Somalis to understand what is happening in their country. The goal is to give the people the information they need to make informed decisions in a participatory democracy, to hold government and government officials accountable and to promote transparency through improving the freedom to access information.
SOMIJ officially launched on 1 Augusto 2013. The non-for-profit organisation is the first of its kind in the Somalia and aims to bolster original journalism by producing high-quality investigations for national and international press and broadcast media.
SOMIJ is a registered charity offering high-level training, resources and research to the community, journalists, students, non-governmental organisations and others interested in public integrity and the defence of the public interest. It is based at the Mogadishu City of Somalia and Breda town in Netherlands.

Artikel 1

1. De stichting draagt de naam: Stichting Somij.

2. Zij heeft haar zetel in de gemeente Breda.

3. De stichting is opgericht voor onbepaalde tijd.


Artikel 2

1. De stichting heeft ten doel:

het bevorderen van de objectieve (transparante) informatie- en nieuwsverschaffing aan de bevolking van Somalië op het gebied van het beleid en het handelen van overheden, instellingen en bedrijven in Somalië;

en voorts al hetgeen met een en ander rechtstreeks of zijdelings verband houdt of daartoe bevorderlijk kan zijn, alles in de ruimste zin des woords.

2. De stichting tracht haar doel te verwezenlijken onder meer door het ontwikkelen en onderwijzen van onderzoekstechnieken ten behoeve van casu quo aan journalisten in Somalië, het organiseren van informatieve bijeenkomsten en het publiceren van informatie via website, brochures op internet en pamfletten en overigens met gebruikmaking van alle wettige middelen.

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