- Breaking News. UNSC, at the request of USA and European Union, has established a committee assigned to identify peace spoilers in Somalia.
Its third report dated February 10th, 2021 indicate that "since Sep 17, 2020 agreement of the FGS and FMS plus BRA, the UNSC Committee has been monitoring the situation including updates and reports submitted by the UN offices in Somalia".
list of six individuals have been identified as spoilers and will be subject of travel bans and asset freezing.
Resolution on these sanctions will be issued soon.
Also the Security Council requested further detailed reports on countries interfering Somalia's election processes.
USA and EU "assigned to identify peace spoilers in Somalia" - Breaking News. UNSC, at the request of USA and European Union, has established a committee assigned to identify peace spoilers in Somalia. Its third report dated February 10th, 2021 indicate that "since Sep 17, 2020 agreement o