The connection between Hormuud telecom and the Al-Shabaab economic empire in Somalia.

Thursday September 17, 2020 - 02:36:20 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    The connection between Hormuud telecom and the Al-Shabaab economic empire in Somalia.

    Hormuud, Somalia's leading Telecommunications company, has been recently embroiled in controversy, which has drawn media attention and scrutiny. The company came to the limelight in late August 2019 when it claimed in a series of statements that

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Hormuud, Somalia's leading Telecommunications company, has been recently embroiled in controversy, which has drawn media attention and scrutiny. The company came to the limelight in late August 2019 when it claimed in a series of statements that the Kenyan contingent of African peace-keepers in Somalia (AMISOM) was directly or indirectly involved in the bombing and destruction of its masts in Gedo region, Southern Somalia. On August 25, 2019, officials of the company enlisted the support of the United States Congress Representative for Minnesota, Ilhan Omar, in its campaign against African peace-keepers in Somalia's Jubaland State, which it accused of destroying its masts and undermining its business. Ilhan tweeted her support, calling upon the Federal Government of Somalia and the peacekeeping forces to protect Hormuud Telecom company which "provides vital services and contributes to the country's economic development".
Following her publicly declared support for Hormuud, Ilhan drew criticism for supporting the wrong side of Somalia (Al-Shabaab terrorists’) and not focusing on the radicalization of Jihadists in her own constituency.1 Ilhan’s support steeped the company into American politics, bringing it into sharp scrutiny and criticism, which centered on a 2018 United Nations Security Council report that sanctioned as the "chief financier of the Al-Shabaab”. Hormuud Telecom sunk deeper into the mire on September 5, 2019 following reports accusing it of sponsoring Al-Shabaab operatives
"TV-ga Fox News ee Mareykanka oo Hormuud Telecom ku sifeeyay Shirkad,” Fox News, September 7, 2019; retrieved on September 8, 2019.
Reaping the Whirlwind
to destroy 13 base station masts in a site belonging to the Kenya telecommunications giant, Safaricom, at Jabi in Mandera along Kenya-Somalia border in what was perceived as retaliatory attacks.2 The company was also adversely mentioned as having used its office in Nairobi to provide intelligence and logistical support to Al-Shabaab terrorists who attacked the Dusit D2 complex in Nairobi on January 16, 2019. Reaping the Whirlwind: Hormuud Entrepreneurs and the Resurgence of Al-Shabaab, a report by the International Policy Group’s (IPG), examines the connection between Hormuud telecom and the Al-Shabaab economic empire in Somalia.
The report traces the radical Islamic roots of Hormuud and its officials and investors. It sheds light on a complex process of ‘corporate capture’ that enabled Hormuud entrepreneurs to use Al-Shabaab protection to make a fortune and monopolize the telecommunication industry. In turn, Al-Shabaab captured Hormuud as diadem in it economic empire providing huge taxes while access to its technology has guaranteed the group’s power, wealth and survival. Hormuud’s finances and technology has spurred Al-Shabaab’s recent resurgence signified by its increasing and bold attacks across the country. But Hormuud has also suffered severe attacks from Al-Shabaab demanding taxes and control of its technology. It has also been caught between a rock and a hard place in the supremacy wars between Al-Shabaab and Islamic State rivals in Somalia. The future of Hormuud depends on decisively severing relations with Al-Shabaab and redirecting its taxes, financial support and technology to the government and Somali society. In realizing this, the report proffers the following five recommendations:
"Telecom Destroys 13th Kenya’s Safaricom BTS Mast Site, was Involved in Dusit D2 Terrorist Attack,” Strategic Intelligence, September 6, 2019, Accessed September 9, 2019.

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