Dutch Government agreement: extra money research journalism good case

Tuesday October 10, 2017 - 22:30:18 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Dutch Government agreement: extra money research journalism good case

    In a first response to today's governmental agreement, the NVJ says it is pleased to recognize the importance of independent journalism and that the government is willing to invest in independent journalism. Additional research money is being de

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Photo: Maarten Hartman
In a first response to today's governmental agreement, the NVJ says it is pleased to recognize the importance of independent journalism and that the government is willing to invest in independent journalism. Additional research money is being deducted. The NVJ is also talking about the paragraph in which the cabinet designates the importance of press freedom.


The NVJ calls the extra money for research journalism and the strong role for public broadcasting positively. "Well, it's the question who determines what research journalism is and what the money really goes for. We hope this is well explained, "said General Secretary Thomas Bruning. 

Also positive is the attention to journalism in the region. "But we'd rather have seen extra money instead of just words about the importance of local and regional journalism."

Less good news, the NVJ announces the announced VAT increase for commercial media from 6 to 9 percent. "This requires an exception to the media sector by applying the 0-rate for the digital and print media."

Finally, the NVJ asks whether the passage on an ombudsman's function belongs to a government agreement. "It's good if the media have their ethics in order, but the NPA does not see the role of government in controlling this." 

Journalism has a prize

The points that the Cabinet describes in the media paragraph, joins the campaign Journalism has a prize , which the NVJ conducted since April this year. In this regard, the NVJ asks for the importance of journalistic quality, which has been under pressure due to declining editorial budgets, shrinking editors, rising workload and cut-off rates for freelancers.

Ruling agreement

Group chairmen Mark Rutte (VVD), Sybrand van Haersma Buma (CDA), Alexander Pechtold (D66) and Gert-Jan Segers (ChristenUnie) presented the October 10, 2017 governance agreement entitled 'Confidence in the Future' as a media item:

1.7 Media

The challenges for journalism and media companies are huge, at national, regional and local level. Large international companies dominate the market worldwide and information is often directly available for free digital access. Space for independent research journalism and solid public broadcasting at all levels are no longer obvious, but necessary because of the changing media landscape. We want to contribute in the coming years.

  • In the coming period, we will work on sufficient independent journalism at local and regional level. Cooperation (public and private) at local and regional level is promoted. An example of this is the realization of regional windows on the NPO's channels in the coming cabinet period.
  • The past period has been an important step in the cooperation between regional broadcasters through the formation of the Regional Public Broadcasting Service (RPO). At local level, more and more regional groups are being formed. As this contributes to the professionalization, the Cabinet is considering the manner in which local broadcasters are organized and financed.
  • In addition, the government draws money for the promotion of research journalism. This form of journalism is under pressure, but it is vital for the controlling task of journalism. In addition, the Cabinet considers the internal ombudsman's function of great importance.
  • Press freedom is under pressure in more and more countries. The Netherlands continues to make efforts to protect endangered journalists abroad.

Download the full governing agreement here


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