Delivery of Healthcare Services Up Three Fold in Ethiopia – Government

Wednesday September 06, 2017 - 03:07:04 in Latest News by Ahmed Editor
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    Delivery of Healthcare Services Up Three Fold in Ethiopia – Government

    September 5, 2017 - The number of Ethiopians receiving medical services at health service delivery institutions has reached 75 percent over the past decade, reports Ethiopian News Agency. The Ethiopian Ministry revealed that the number of outpatients

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September 5, 2017 - The number of Ethiopians receiving medical services at health service delivery institutions has reached 75 percent over the past decade, reports Ethiopian News Agency. The Ethiopian Ministry revealed that the number of outpatients who received medical treatment before ten year ago has jumped from 20 million to 75 million at present.

This resulted due to the increase of health posts across Ethiopia from 10,000 in 2007 to over 16,000 to date, health stations from 700 to 3000, and hospitals from 93 to 311.

Ethiopian Ministry of Health Policy Planning Deputy Director, Masoud Mohammed told Ethiopian news agency that the ministry is implementing a twenty-year health strategy that is divided in four chapters.

Reduction in mortality rate for Ethiopian mothers and under five children and prevention of communicable diseases was one of the major areas of focus in the ministry. Major positive changes have therefore been registered in maternal and infant mortality, HIV/AIDS, malaria and other communicable diseases as well as   nutrition

In addition, pre-natal services that stood at 61 percent have now been fully met. The number of Ethiopian health extension workers has also increased from over 24,000 to 38,000, of nurses from over 16,000 to more than 60,000 and of medical doctors from 2,000 over 6,700.

However, the number of Ethiopian specialist doctors is still low. Member of Medical Professionals Association; Dr. Yeneneh Getachew said on his part that shortage of specialists is a critical area that requires special attention to improve Ethiopian health sector.

Health Policy Planning Deputy Director at Ethiopian ministry of health, Masoud, disclosed on his part that in addition to the present 1000 specialists in the country 1,050 have applied for enrollment in the upcoming academic year.

He added that the Ethiopian government is implementing a five-year that can solve lack of quality health service delivery system and other hurdles in order to realize the transformation of the health sector.

Source:- Ethiopian News Agency

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