World Digest: Sept. 1, 2017

Saturday September 02, 2017 - 05:38:11 in Latest News by Ahmed Editor
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    World Digest: Sept. 1, 2017

    GERMANY Chancellor reacts to detentions by Turkey Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday said Germany should react decisively to Ankara's detention of two more German citizens, amid calls for Berlin to issue a formal travel warning for those h

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GERMANY Chancellor reacts to detentions by Turkey Chancellor Angela Merkel on Friday said Germany should react decisively to Ankara's detention of two more German citizens, amid calls for Berlin to issue a formal travel warning for those headed to Turkey.

Twelve Germans are now in Turkish detention on political charges, four of them dual nationals. Among them is German Turkish journalist Deniz Yucel, who had been in detention 200 days as of Friday.

Merkel said she did not think it was appropriate to carry out further discussions with Ankara about its participation in a European Union customs union.

"We must react decisively,” Merkel said at a business event in Nuremberg, noting that Germany had already fundamentally revamped its relations with Ankara. "Given the latest events, perhaps it is necessary to rethink them ever further,” she said.

Many Europeans have been detained in Turkey over the past year, accused of involvement in last year’s coup attempt against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, whom many accuse of purging opposition under the cover of a crackdown.

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