New somali Premier is unwelcome a political novice with ambiguous background.

Thursday February 23, 2017 - 23:17:40 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    New somali Premier is unwelcome a political novice with ambiguous background.

    Somali president appointed a political novice as prime minister contrary to advice of politicians and elders.

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Somali president appointed a political novice as prime minister contrary to advice of politicians and elders. The new appointee Hassan Ali Khaire was chosen by the prudent on Thursday, he was the former head of Norwegian Refugee Council who was diverting aid food for his personal gain and political purposes.

Once he created a company called Somali Oil who was implicated in scandals over petroleum exploration in Somalia.

Khaire was a close ally of former president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud and was a member of group known as Damjadiid, a political wing of terrorist Islamist groups.

"The new Premier is very unpopular among the Somali society for his scandalous and corrupt behavior,"  Somali elder Ahmed Liban said.

"The president made foolish political adventure which may undermine his future," Liban said

Other elders said the new Premier is not the kind of person Somalia needed at this time. 

The somali people were expecting a  person with integrity and political experience  not a dishonest person with no relation to the nation.

Outside Mogadishu no one knows Khaire.

"Who  is Khaire as no one was able to know in our city," demanded Galkayo central Somalia Somali town resident, Mahamud Diriye.

Recently, the UN cleared Khaire from terrorist links but the national security agency is yet to clear him.

No one trusts him because of his greedy nature that led to aid funds diverted to his own selfish reason as well as feed cronies.

"Somalia is in deep trouble and nomination of such doubtful person can't promote peace and building  proper  government institutions," Abdulahi Warfa told Waagacusub media.

"Khaire as a Prime Minster is funny, I thought that was joke," laughed Maryan Ali," a local aid worker. 

"If this is the case then the president himself is dishonest," she said.

"Khaire is not suitable to be even assistant miniseries let alone to be the Premier," said angry Maryan who had known Khaire more than 10 years.

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