Kenya donated corruption money to Somali presidential candidate .

Tuesday February 07, 2017 - 06:21:05 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Kenya donated corruption money to Somali presidential candidate .

    Well Informed sources told Waagacusub media that the government of Kenya has given 2 million US dollars to the outgoing Somali Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke on Saturday to support his bid to vie for the presidency of his war torn nation of

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Well Informed sources told Waagacusub media that the government of Kenya has given 2 million US dollars to the outgoing Somali Prime Minister Omar Abdirashid Sharmarke on Saturday to support his bid to vie for the presidency of his war torn nation of East African.

The election is to take place on Thursday.

The sources said that Sharmarke was promised funds for his election by the United Arab Emirates but the plan was scraped after the oil rich Gulf State sensed his defeat.

The Kenyan donated dollars are to be given to somali parliamentarian who are to select the president, the seat is wanted by 24 candidates. 

The Somali parliamentary and presidential elections are generally dominated by vote buying. 

Several other countries are having their favorite candidates. Other neighboring country of Somalia which is Ethiopia is also supporting the current president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud who runout of legal mandate in August .  

Ethiopia sent several senior officials and agents from their secret services to Mogadishu to promote Mohamud's re-election.

By Dahir Alasow

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