Somalia: UN monitoring body blamed for "fabricated lies."

Monday November 07, 2016 - 10:14:27 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia: UN monitoring body blamed for "fabricated lies." - The UN monitoring Group is bluntly making accusations without showing any facts against Somali companies and notable personalities making fabricated lies, the business community in Mogadishu said.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - The UN monitoring Group is bluntly making accusations without showing any facts against Somali companies and notable personalities making fabricated lies, the business community in Mogadishu said. "Elements serving the group are mainly concerned of their job security and coming  with very sensitive  charges against somali companies or individuals for  a sole reason in order achieve a renewal of their contracts and stay in their offices. 

They often retract from damaging accusations they make later after loosing backup to support their untruthful charges and without paying any damage to the havocs they create.

The recent accusation against Hormuud Telecom company of Somalia was  the example of misleading and character assassination charges they come with.

The group is souring their fictitious report from rival competitor companies that failed to operate and gain the trust of Somali people like Hormuud Telecom.

The report gave no evidence to its claim of money contribution to armed group that is fighting the current Somali government, on the contrary the report mentioned also that Hormuud is aiding the internationally recognized government that they said were paying money to destabilize it. 

The report never mentioned the humanitarian support Hormuud Foundation is offering the needy Somalis such as orphans, the disable and people affected by natural disasters.

The report did not say a word about rival companies that assisted the group to issue their false statements.

The international community and the Somali people will not be misled by the fabricated lies brought with no evidence and is contrary to realities on the ground of the Horn of African Country, the business community said.

Hormuud is owned by thousands of Somalis and the money spent by companies is notified to all share holders. 

"Greedy business people are feeding the the UN monitoring group with falsehood and meritless  fake stories that are compiled as a report by the group," a university lecturer Ali Hassan said.

The committee is grappling all what it can collect at the end of the year in order to compile  report without proper investigation," the lecturer added. 

They group is  blamed to be undermining the UN which trusted them with sensitive issues and the Somali people who were waiting a truthful report.

Mohamed Haji Abdulle who is a  Mogadishu textile exporter  said.

"I can sense that the accusations against Hormuud Telecom is coming from rival business people who were unable to make a decent  competition.He further charged "they collect info by phone and publish a yearly report."

There are several telecommunication and remittance company that operate all over Somalia and they are not mentioned anytime by the report of the UN group because they are the ones that are helping the issuing of the malicious report.

"Some jealous companies are using the group to issues the report without proper and professional investigations," Haji Hirsi Mohamud Ali a businessman said.

He added " you tell them and they will report."

Waagacusub Media Reporters in Mogadishu

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