Corruption diplomacy by Emirates in Somalia

Thursday November 03, 2016 - 04:01:08 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Corruption diplomacy by Emirates in Somalia

    Mogadishu - The United Arab Emirates is faulted for deeply interfering in the internal affairs of Somalia by attempting to impose a leader in the upcoming election in corrupt manners, informed sources in the capital of Mogadishu told Waagacusub media

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Mogadishu - The United Arab Emirates is faulted for deeply interfering in the internal affairs of Somalia by attempting to impose a leader in the upcoming election in corrupt manners, informed sources in the capital of Mogadishu told Waagacusub media agency.  The Emirates are intermingling in the electoral process of Somalia and that may lead to a renewed interclan fighting as most people will oppose a foreign manipulated election outcome," Mogadishu resident who knows the local politics said.

"We are ashamed by the cheap political exercise undertaken by emirates that was suppose to be an Islamic friendly country," he said.

The Emirates held a shadowy meeting that brought local regional government in Dubai in an attempt to promote clannish political agenda  which is recipe for a renewed violence in Somalia.

"It is up to us who to elect but an outsider to tell us who select is absolutely unacceptable, we are choosing a Somali leader but  not the Dubai Mayor,"  Abdullahi Haji Daud told Waagacusub.

He also said "most people are furious by the poor political performance of Emirates."

The blame was mostly targeting the ambassador of UAE who is blamed operating like a local politician  rather than  a friendly  diplomat who help nourish the brotherly relation between Somalia and UAE.

"How a civilized   country like Emirates can influence poor local authorities and hold a meeting in their country , shame on you," an Arabic tracer in Mogadishu said. 

The preferred candidate for UAE is the current Somali Prime Minister Omar Abdurashid Sharmarke, one of the presidential candidate among the dozen who are vying for the post of president.

 The UAE actions are supported by Somalia's neighbors who are having geopolitical interest in the partition of Somalia, more residents said.

This was the first harsh criticism to UAE since war erupted in the country 1991.

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