Somalia: Mogadishu people dismayed by American military action

Friday October 07, 2016 - 02:45:41 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia: Mogadishu people dismayed by American military action - People in the Somali capital are still commenting about the killings of regional soldiers that allied to Somali national government in country's central region.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - People in the Somali capital are still commenting about the killings of regional soldiers that allied to Somali national government in country's central region. "They killed our brothers who were protecting us from terrorist organisation of Shabab." Mohamud Hirsi Jumale who is a driver in Mogadishu said.

"The brothers were attacked by war plane and were murdered but the worst of all is that they were accused of being terrorists," he said. "This is a pure lie and under estimation," he also added.

His passengers were listening carefully but they immediately joined the conversation.

"Somalia are very foolish and they think Americans don't know who is a shabab member and who is not," a lady called Amina said.

"The killing was a deliberate  retaliatory measure for the killing of US soldiers in Somalia twenty years ago," she said .

This is a reference to the killing of US marines by local militia in 1993.

They were part of the failed Operation Restore Hope spearheaded by US, and planed to bring normalcy to the war torn nation.

Other people came with different version of stories for the attack that took place in the outskirts of Galkayo  town, the capital of Mudug region of Somalia.

The US described those killed as terrorists, but the Somali Government denounced the killing.

An elderly man who said that he have visited the wounded who were  brought to the Somali capital said that "those killed and  wounded by the attack are victim of a terrorist attack."

The elder who called himself Liban Sheikh Nur further said "America is a strong child  that consider everybody else coward."

He lamented that the young generation are corrupt and immoral because they serve the "interest of people who kill them."

Mohamud Ahmed Abdullahi a former teacher said that the Americans made a mistake and I don't think that the killing was  intentional.

"It is the US government that settled large number of Somali families in their country and gave huge support after the civil war erupted in 1991," Abdullahi said.

He added that  maybe misinformation could be the reason for the attack. 

The remarks of the teacher is a widely accepted issue in Somalia and many are grateful of the refugee settlement in America.

However, his view was immediately described  as "useless and foreign manipulated" by two men in the bus.

"There are people who undermine brothers and give more respect for the outsiders." said one of the two men who declined to give his name.

"The action of cowboys in Galkayo was not better that the one of Shabab terrorist organisation," technician  Mumin Odowa said.

"Shabab will kill you and describe you a non-believer and America will kill you and call you a terrorist," he said.

Some of the people accused the neighboring regional State of Puntland for giving false information to Us" 

Maryan Moalim Osman of her 50th said " from now on we must not trust the Americans when they claim that they have killed Shabab terrorist members and maybe they are  massacring innocent Somali civilians."

The attack that killed Somalia's Galmudug State is  very unpopular in Mogadishu.

This report is  compiled by reporters of Waagacusub in Mogadishu.

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