Somalia: The war between U.S and the late General Aideed supporters will restart

Saturday October 01, 2016 - 03:14:49 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia: The war between U.S and the late General Aideed supporters will restart

    Galmudug regional state of Somalia is mobilizing its armies in Mogadishu, Hiiraan and Mudug amid tensions between Puntland and Galmudug following U.S Arial bombardments killed scores of Somali Soldiers at Jeehdin Village in Mudug region.

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Galmudug regional state of Somalia is mobilizing its armies in Mogadishu, Hiiraan and Mudug amid tensions between Puntland and Galmudug following U.S Arial bombardments killed scores of Somali Soldiers at Jeehdin Village in Mudug region.

Hundreds of People protested in Southern Galkayo and Galinsoor, the hometown of  General Mohamed Farah Aideed Thursday by burning the American flag. 

MP Abdikader Jama, who was speaking a crowd of people threatened to destroy what he said is a U.S base in Mudug believed to be responsible the demise of the Somali Soldiers and civilians. 

Officials that were loyalists of General Aideed's were killed in the U.S air attack. The Officials were soldiers participated in the fight against U.S soldiers in 1993 that resulted in Blackhawk Down." And I think the U.S renewed its fight with Aideed supporters that occurred in Mogadishu, said Colonel Mohamed Ali Gadar a senior military official of Habargidir clan .

Pentagon spokesman Captain Jeff Davis said that Washington killed nine Al-Shabaab but an investigation made by Waagacusub Media learned those killed in the mission were soldiers, officials and civilians from Galmudug. 

Soldiers and civilians massacred are mostly from the same tribe, General Aideed's clan of Sa'ad sub-clan of Habargidir. They all practice Sufi sect and follow Ahlu Sunna Waljama group in Somalia. 

The individuals from Sa'ad that joined Al-Shabaab are not more than 11 because they hate Al-Shabaab's ideology, said Sheikh Ahmed Shaakir, President of the Central states of Somalia and Ahlusuna Senior Leader. 

However, Tension is very high both outside and inside of Somalia and a bloody war will likely happen between Puntland and Galmudug or the war between U.S and the late Aideed supporters will return. 

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