Somalia:Children of imprisoned mother calls on the Human rights campaigners

Friday July 22, 2016 - 09:00:18 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia:Children of imprisoned mother calls on the Human rights campaigners - A mother from Duduble tribe and a wife of a former businessman, Botan Keyre is very sick in the Mogadishu prison and she has been forgotten. She is serving 15 years of prison term.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - A mother from Duduble tribe and a wife of a former businessman, Botan Keyre is very sick in the Mogadishu prison and she has been forgotten. She is serving 15 years of prison term. Deeqa dira' was accused of cooking meals for Al-Shabaab, but that does not necessarily mean a crime that can send her up to 15 years in Mogadishu jail. Since it is well known that Al-Shabaab receives tax which it called it Zakaat but an extortion to every business person.

Mama Dira' lost her husband in the hands of the Ethiopian soldiers in Mogadishu when he was participating a burial. She was the breadwinner of her children and unfortunately, instead of giving her solace and support they placed her in a custody. In result of this, her children lost everything in life and some of them recently disappeared and their whereabouts left unknown, or whether they are dead or alive remaining unknown.

Some of her children that contacted Waagacusub Media accused the representatives of Habargidir and Murusade including the ministers, MPs, business-people, religious scholars, elders and all parts of the society that they have neglected their responsibility towards them and allowed them to suffer so long.

The children called on human rights groups and defenders of Women's rights to stand up supporting her mother regain her freedom. The children says that their mother has diabetes and blood pressure and other medical problems. 

"Every body will run away from you when you are accused of Al-Shabaab yet those working in the courts and prisons are either Al-Shabaab members or its supporters," said a female human rights campaigner, who asked not to be named.

However, The federal government executed a great number of teenagers that were accused of being members or collaborating with Al-Shabaab, which itself is a crime against humanity perpetrated by government leaders.  

By Dahir Alasow

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