Somalia:US- National acts as a bridge between Daesh/ISIL and SFG

Tuesday December 08, 2015 - 00:07:17 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia:US- National acts as a bridge between Daesh/ISIL and SFG - An American citizen Salad Elmi is creating secret entrepreneurs of Daesh/ISIl within the Somali Federal Government SFG according to reliable sources.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - An American citizen Salad Elmi is creating secret entrepreneurs of Daesh/ISIl within the Somali Federal Government SFG according to reliable sources. The owners of Hasco Companay Mr Abdikarim Senyo and Mr Mustafe Harkanle do not know anyone within the SFG so that Salad Elmi, who resides in U.S will help their interest within the  SFG, said Ahmed Omar Yusuf,  a brother of the Daesh business clout better know as Harbi Jubad.

"Mr Elmi is an EU-US dual citizen who previously lived in Europe before moving to the United States” added Harbi Jubad, who himself was a former Al-Shabaab member.

Harbi Jubad is said that he clashed with his cousins for recruiting him as a member of Al-Shabaab before being wounded in action. He flew to Kampala where he was imprisoned fifteen days after he busted with explosive devices. 

According to our sources, the money that he used to receive from Daesh founders was withheld.

Harbi Jubad lost his right leg with the Ugandan fighters in Mogadishu and he said that he refrained from terrorist activities against the African peacekeepers a claim yet to be verified.

However, Salad Elmi is the first known U.S citizen reported to support Daesh/ISIL Financers. 


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