Somalia's Minister rejects an order from the Attorney General to shut down 35 Websites

Tuesday November 17, 2015 - 14:53:40 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia's Minister rejects an order from the Attorney General to shut down 35 Websites - Somalia's Minister of postal and telecommunications rejected a request to shut down at least 35 websites over defamation and ethics from the Government's acting Attorney General at a ministerial meeting on Saturday.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Somalia's Minister of postal and telecommunications rejected a request to shut down at least 35 websites over defamation and ethics from the Government's acting Attorney General at a ministerial meeting on Saturday. Guled Kassim Nur insisted that he needs a legal process to take a decision, however, he said that he will not fulfill an order from the acting Attorney General which he called illegitimate.

Many ministers backed the decision of the Attorney General and they accused of Dahir Alasow who owns most the websites that the government wants to shut down.

The Minister said that he will only accept that decision when a court who has the authority orders, but he won't obey it even if the entire ministers request to be shut down the sites. The Ministerial meeting has shadowed this case.

The deputy Prime Minister Mohamed Omar Arte eventually interfered in the case and said that he would establish a joint commission including members of the Ministry of postal and telecommunications  that will shut down the websites through legal process. 

All these arising issues come a time that the government needs to solve the problems of the boundary, massive floods, the fight of Al-Shabaab and the Security. 


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