Uganda:Somali Embassy staff accused of abetting Shabaab's regional movement

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    Uganda:Somali Embassy staff accused of abetting Shabaab's regional movement

    High senior officials entered into South Sudan by way of Uganda, Kampala News reports on Wednesday.

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High senior officials entered into South Sudan by way of Uganda, Kampala News reports on Wednesday.

The Shabaab members received catering from an official, who works in the Somalia’s Embassy to Uganda the report said.

Hassan Khader Warjid ( Ali Khader), the first secretary of Embassy met the officials and managed to help the Shabaab officials to reach their destination country, South Sudan. 

One of the Shabaab officials named in the report is Hassan Wiif who came from Tanzania to plan a terrorist attack outside of Somalia.

In 2005, Mr. Warjid was rejected to go with his mother, brother, sister and his orphan nephews who successfully resettled in the Unite States over his fake name, Ali Mohamed Muse, which the terrorist group named him.



Warjid is believed to involved in the U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

Former Somali President and leader of Islamic Courts Union Sharif Sheikh Ahmed appointed Mr Khadar Warjid to the post but he never refrained being a loyal Al-Shabaab member.

Mr Warjid flew to Mogadishu with accompanying officials from Al-Shabaab in 2015. He is an active man who succeeded to gain the trust of Ugandan Police officials and that’s what the Al-Shaab officials like to reach out individuals like Warjid.

He formed a network of human traffickers who operate in the  with the help of the Ugandan officials who eventually arrest and detain travelling Somali people through Entebbe international Airport  to ask ransom from their families in abroad.

Mr Warjid occasionally deceives the Uganda officials when he is managing to let Shabab officials pass through the Uganda’s Entebbe international Airport. To execute his plan he makes them look like diplomats and let them follow the path of VIP personnel. 

It’s very complicated to differentiate between a terrorist and Somali official as the individuals like Warjid make Shabab officials to sample the statesmen.

By Willy Mugabi

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