Somalia:Video Hussein Aideed accuses Dahabshiil of spying and funding of Terrorism

Saturday August 08, 2015 - 15:08:23 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia:Video Hussein Aideed accuses Dahabshiil of spying and funding of Terrorism

    Heavy weight politicians raise their voice in protest against Dahabshiil links with Alshabab.

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Heavy weight politicians raise their voice in protest against Dahabshiil links with Alshabab. - The former Somalia internal affairs minister and deputy PM Eng. Hussein Mohamed Aideed this week added his voice to the number of Somali public figures that protested against Dahabshiil Transfer Company's involvement of political turmoil in Somalia.
Mr. Aideed who gave interview to Waagacusub media in Kampala lashed out at Dahabshiil and called on the company owners to stop their involvement of the funding of the instability in Southern Somalia and spying of the subscribers of the Dahabshiil’s sub Telecom giant Somtel, which deliveries the subscriber’s identity and secrets to the intelligence agencies in Somaliland.

Wikileaks currently revealed that Somtel approached to an Italian hacking group called The Hacking Team, which provides technology that can spy the phone and internet subscribers of Somtel company in Somaliland.

For more details please watch the video..

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