A man burned his Pregnant wife to death in Somalia

Monday February 05, 2024 - 02:17:04 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    A man burned his Pregnant wife to death in Somalia - Head of Banadir divisional Police Moallim Mahdi who became the most corrupted and most tribalist officer in the Somali police was accused to have facilitated the escape of his sub-clan fellow who burned to death his pregnant wife when

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Head of Banadir divisional Police Moallim Mahdi who became the most corrupted and most tribalist officer in the Somali police was accused to have facilitated the escape of his sub-clan fellow who burned to death his pregnant wife when he poured gas and set the house on fire.
The fugitive suspect whose name is Sayid Ali Moallim Daud was an employee at the Mogadishu International Airport.  Moallim Mahdi transported him out of Mogadishu with his personal vehicle to Dhagahdheer sub-location in Godinlabe district.
The man, who hails from Saleban sub-clan of Habar gidir, is now the talk of the town.
The deceased woman, Lul Sheikh Abdiasis whose clan is Sheekhaal was a mother of 6 orphans.  The chances she can get justice are slim.
The reason is that Galmudug President Ahmed Qoorqoor, MP Abdirahman Odawa who is a close friend of President Hassan Sheikh, and Colonel Moallim Mahdi belong to the Saleban sub-clan that the suspect belongs to.
A man from the same sub-clan defiled a 7-year-old boy who was a student at his school in Mogadishu in the past. He got protection from the same big men. 

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