Somalia: NISA Must Dismantle Al-Shabaab's Bank

Friday January 26, 2024 - 02:09:55 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Somalia: NISA Must Dismantle Al-Shabaab's Bank - Somalia's National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) must be allowed to dismantle Al-Shabaab's main financial entities in Somalia, Hormuud Telecom, the monopolistic telecom provider, and its bank, Salam Somali Bank.

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Somalia's National Intelligence and Security Agency (NISA) must be allowed to dismantle Al-Shabaab's main financial entities in Somalia, Hormuud Telecom, the monopolistic telecom provider, and its bank, Salam Somali Bank.
There is no question within the Somali Federal Government, the United Nations, European Union, and even the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) of the US Government that Hormuud Telecom and Salaam Somali Bank provide Al-Shabaab direct financial services that enable mass terrorist attacks, purchases of explosive materiel for Vehicle-Borne Improvised Explosive Device (VBIED) and improvised explosive device (IED) attacks. 

Al-Shabaab currently uses Hormuud Telecom and its EVC system of money transfer for extortion of the Somali citizens and to conduct and pay for assassinations in Mogadishu. Al-Shabaab relies on Salam Somali Bank to hide and move its considerable extortion-generated financial assets- this was clearly documented by the United Nations Somalia Monitoring Committee on the Illicit Trafficking of Weapons since 2009.

                        NISA Command Finally Takes Action

NISA Command while conducting an investigation begun on December 2023 found irrefutable evidence that Hormuud Telecom and Somali Salaam Bank Executive Leadership operate dozens of shadow Al-Shabaab accounts used for the corruption and mass terrorist attacks undertaken by Al-Shabaab in Somalia.

Let us recall that the 14 October 2017 Zoobe attack in the heart of Mogadishu killed over 587 innocent Somali citizens and maimed and injured more than 2,000! Hormuud Telecom and Somali Salaam Bank not only facilitated the transfer of funds for the purchasing of the explosive materiel for the VBIED Truck bomb used for that heinous Zoobe mass terrorist attack- the worst terror attack in Africa’s history- but they also allowed Al Shabaab to bribe key security officials and checkpoints to allow for the truck bomb to enter the city center.
Therefore, it was not surprisingly to learn that NISA Command uncovered that Hormuud Telecom Executives not only were fully knowledgeable about the Al Shabaab shadow accounts for more than 15 years but Hormuud itself actively shielded these bank accounts and engaged in open surveillance of the Somali Federal security forces, Somali National Army (SNA), the Somali business community and even the Federal government officials on behalf of Al-Shabaab.

Consequently, NISA courageously decided to take action and confronted Hormuud and Salam Bank Leadership on 15 January 2024— which it should be recalled had requested assistance from the Somali Federal Government and in particular  NISA Commander Mahad Mohamed Salaad to investigate recent attacks against its employees, offices and vehicles.

The NISA officials outlined in specific terms to the Hormuud and Somali Salaam Bank Executive the vast web of conspiracies, obstruction, lies and systemic Al-Shabaab infiltration of the Hormuud Telecom and Somali Salam Bank.
Instead of cooperating with NISA Command, Hormuud Telecom and Salam Somali Bank clandestinely enabled the escape of wanted Al-Shabaab agents being pursued by NISA who also happened to be senior managers employed by Hormuud Telecom and Salam Somali Bank.
As NISA’s Commander Mahad Salaad clarified the basis for its investigation and closures of Hormuud and Salaam Bank as reported by Hiiraan Online on January 15, 2024 directly stemmed from the dishonest and treasonous actions in hiding the Al-Shabaab accounts and facilitating the escape of wanted Al-Shabaab agents: "the Agency requested the company to conduct a search on the operation of bank accounts and EVC Plus Service, in line with Article 8, Paragraph 3 of the National Security and Intelligence Agency Law, but the company refused to cooperate and respond to the requests and dismissed the accused staff members”.

It is remarkable that despite the clear evidence of Hormuud Telecom and Somali Salaam Bank’s collusion and conspiracy with Al-Shabaab uncovered by NISA, the Federal Government of Somalia of President Hassan Sheikh Mahmud and Prime Minister Hamza Abdi Barre still has not immediately shutdown Hormuud Telecom and Somali Salam Bank activities nor issued as NISA Command has requested an international INTERPOL arrest warrant for its CEO and Founder Ahmed Nur Jimale who currently resides in Djibouti. What more evidence does the Somalia’s Federal Government and Judiciary need to take action?

            Bigger Prize: New Somali Shilling, role of Central Bank and Socio-Economic Stabilization

I have complete faith and confidence that the National Intelligence Agency (NISA) of the Federal Republic of Somalia and the Federal Government led by President of Hassan Sheikh Mahmud will quickly move forward with NISA dismantling Al-Shabaab’s bank in the next 5 months.
Only by comprehensively dismantling Hormuud Telecom and Somali Salam Bank will the collusion with Al-Shabaab finally end. Only through this collective action on the part of the Federal Government institutions will Somalia holistically and practically achieve the much needed social and economic stabilization to issue the new Somali Shilling currency in 2024, eradicate the technical means for Al-Shabaab to carry out mass terrorist attacks and assassinations ( which have diminished greatly in 2023!), attract the anticipated foreign direct investment in Somalia’s oil and gas sector, as well as cement the permanent victory against the vicious Al-Shabaab terrorist movement and the corruption that enables it.
What’s more, the Centre Bank of Somalia (CBS) and its Governor Mr. Abdirahman M. Abdullahi with the support of the IMF should provide the framework for insurance, facilitation and collateral protection for Somali citizens to remove their assets and money from these two entities immediately.

 Dr. M. Omar Hashi 

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