Turkey: Flow of Somali merchants

Sunday September 19, 2021 - 03:42:23 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Turkey: Flow of Somali merchants - Fourth, for the last two decades, Turkey realized tremendous economic successes and became an industry powerhouse. With the resurrection of relations between the two countries, Somali traders embarked to Turkey to import Turkish prod

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - Fourth, for the last two decades, Turkey realized tremendous economic successes and became an industry powerhouse. With the resurrection of relations between the two countries, Somali traders embarked to Turkey to import Turkish products.
The flow of Somali merchants has created opportunities for hundreds of Somalis in Istanbul. There are more than a hundred small trading offices that were opened by Somalis. These offices play a pivotal role in strengthening the trade relations between Turkey and the Somalis all over the world as they send the Turkish goods not only to Somalia but to North America, Europe and Africa.
The restaurants and beauty salons scattered around Ankara and Istanbul are significant indicators of the growing Somali population in Turkey. Within the last two years, dozens of restaurants and coffee shops were opened and offer famous Somali dishes and tea.

Besides a small number of other nationalities, Somalis living in Turkey gather in these places to socialize and exchange ideas. Arguably, the Somali trade offices, coffee shops and restaurants brought color to the Turkish markets and contribute to the economy of the country through taxes but also serve as an indispensable bridge for Turkey's endeavor to integrate with the East Africa market.

Despite the challenges of language and residence permissions that Somalis are facing in Turkey, the mounting multi-faceted relations between the two countries with the prospects they bear keep the diaspora determined to reap the fruits and take advantage of the enticing opportunities that unfold. It's the responsibility of the two governments to cooperate in the facilitation of the work and residence requirements for the Somali community, as without them, the intended integration of the two countries cannot be successful.

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