Djibouti: Guelleh, the spy of China

Wednesday May 08, 2019 - 09:46:46 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    Djibouti: Guelleh, the spy of China - It is nevertheless extraordinary to see how much the colonial powers persist in reserving the right to question the sovereignty of African states. In Djibouti, the telecommunications company Huwaei, engaged in a direct battle with the

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - It is nevertheless extraordinary to see how much the colonial powers persist in reserving the right to question the sovereignty of African states. In Djibouti, the telecommunications company Huwaei, engaged in a direct battle with the United States, is now cited in a case of espionage, whose main actor is President Omar Guelleh.
The man who still refuses to offer his country on a silver platter to Western powers, largely implicated in the implementation of their block in the Horn of Africa, committed the sin of having his palace built at the help from the Chinese. According to the website HCH24, this palace is full of spy devices made in Huawei that the president uses when Western leaders are welcomed! "Current 2016, the body of the Republican Guard, the elements of this special body in charge of the surveillance of the Djiboutian presidency and all the premises of the presidency were equipped with telecommunications equipment from the Chinese brands Huawei and Techno. According to information received from senior officers of the National Gendarmerie and the police, there is in the new extension of the Djiboutian presidential palace a room equipped with Chinese espionage equipment that allow, on the one hand, to scramble the equipment of external espionage at the palace and, on the other hand, to transmit live, to the Chinese military base of Doraleh, for analyzes, all information exchanges during meetings with Western officials and the President of the Republic of Djibouti . " the elements of this special body in charge of the surveillance of the Djibouti presidency and all the premises of the presidency were equipped with telecommunications equipment from the Chinese brands Huawei and Techno. According to information received from senior officers of the National Gendarmerie and the police, there is in the new extension of the Djiboutian presidential palace a room equipped with Chinese espionage equipment that allow, on the one hand, to scramble the equipment of external espionage at the palace and, on the other hand, to transmit live, to the Chinese military base of Doraleh, for analyzes, all information exchanges during meetings with Western officials and the President of the Republic of Djibouti . " the elements of this special body in charge of the surveillance of the Djibouti presidency and all the premises of the presidency were equipped with telecommunications equipment from the Chinese brands Huawei and Techno. According to information received from senior officers of the National Gendarmerie and the police, there is in the new extension of the Djiboutian presidential palace a room equipped with Chinese espionage equipment that allow, on the one hand, to scramble the equipment of external espionage at the palace and, on the other hand, to transmit live, to the Chinese military base of Doraleh, for analyzes, all information exchanges during meetings with Western officials and the President of the Republic of Djibouti . " In the new extension of the Djiboutian presidential palace, there is a room equipped with Chinese espionage equipment that allows, on the one hand, to scramble external espionage equipment in the palace and, on the other hand, to transmit live, to the Chinese military base of Doraleh, for analyzes, all information exchanges during meetings with Western officials and the President of the Republic of Djibouti. " In the new extension of the Djiboutian presidential palace, there is a room equipped with Chinese espionage equipment that allows, on the one hand, to scramble external espionage equipment in the palace and, on the other hand, to transmit live, to the Chinese military base of Doraleh, for analyzes, all information exchanges during meetings with Western officials and the President of the Republic of Djibouti. " all exchange of information during meetings with Western officials and the President of the Republic of Djibouti. " all exchange of information during meetings with Western officials and the President of the Republic of Djibouti. "


The site evokes the case of the visit of Emmanuel Macron, president of France, on March 12, 2019, during his stay in the extension of the presidential palace of the stopover, from where he was wiretapped for the account Chinese people. The goal of Guelleh would be to pretend to be a victim of the West to China. He tries to make the Chinese understand that he is under pressure because of his rapprochement with Beijing. Thus, Ismaƫl Omar Guelleh has a protector in international forums that will allow him to extend his mandates at the helm of the country! Apart from the veracity or otherwise of this information, a question arises: what are the Westerners so worried about? Would Chinese Huwaei's listening devices be likely to paralyze the espionage system of the camp opposite? Perhaps... But they are especially worried that the Chinese military, obviously on the lookout, quickly reach the presidential palace to prevent a possible coup attempt against Guelleh. After all, the Sudanese experience is likely to reoccur in Djibouti ... especially since it is one of the last countries not yet to join the Western Bloc in the Horn of Africa.

Every day is full of revelations about the air crash in Ethiopia that has tarnished the image of Ethiopia's Ethiopian Airlines, one of the largest airlines on the continent. Indeed: Boeing had deactivated a 737 MAX warning signal to make it optional and paid. In 2018, employees of the US Federal Aviation Authority (FAA) to oversee the Southwest Airlines airline discovered that Boeing had made it optional and paid for the warning light signal following the crash. of a Lion Air plane. Boeing automatically deactivated this signal in the 737 MAX delivered to Southwest without informing the airline. Neither it nor its pilots were aware of the changes when they started flying the aircraft in 2017,

Contacted by AFP, Boeing ensured that the warning signal would now become a basic and free feature for all customers. "This change will be made on all MAX whether in production or in the modification phase for those who were on duty," said a spokesman for the manufacturer. But is not it a little late?

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