A Qatari agent in Somali president office

Tuesday February 13, 2018 - 23:19:12 in Latest News by Super Admin
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    A Qatari agent in Somali president office - After one year in the office, the Somali federal government President, Mohamed Abdullahi "Farmaajo" proofed himself to be unreliable and not trustworthy to run the highest national political position, according to a survey m

    Share on Twitter Share on facebook Share on Digg Share on Stumbleupon Share on Delicious Share on Google Plus - After one year in the office, the Somali federal government President, Mohamed Abdullahi "Farmaajo" proofed himself to be unreliable and not trustworthy to run the highest national political position, according to a survey made by and ten independent journalists.
In the survey, about 500 people who were questioned about the president's ability or his political wisdom predominantly showed dissatisfaction and described the president as politically immature personality.
"He is not running the day to day activity of the office of the president which he is elected for instead the highest office in the land is run by his in-laws and his wife," a traditional elder Mohamud Gutale said.
He also faulted the president the for giving his power to a rigid director who- brought the corruption money that influenced the election of Farmaajo from the Gulf State of Qatar a year ago.
Gutale was referring to Fahad Yasin Haji Dahir who is widely rumored serving the interest of  Qatar in East Africa.
"When I went to the office of the president I was unable to distinguish if Farmaajo was the president or Yasin, the president was just a symbolic person who knows nothing about the office,"  he said.
More than 26 other professionals shared the view of the elder, Gutale.
Appointing a politically new personality as prime minister because of clan relation to his wife also contributed to a lack political progress and hampered the war against terror.  
Hassan Ali Kheyre, the premier, is former aid agency worker who is accused by Somalis of diverting aid food and other donation for personal pocketing in Mogadishu. 
Another major issue that was in the spotlight is the president's honesty in safeguarding the national assets.
According to a senior aid who served the president's office, Farmaajo, his puppet premier, Khaire, Yasin are using money donated by unsuspecting donors as their assets.
The president childhood sickness and his longterm mental disability contributed to his slow thinking ability.
"The shortcoming of the presidents thinking gave a great opportunity to Yasin," family members and friends said.
Hundreds of thousands of US dollars are spent by the president's family while the country was facing the harshest drought in years.
"Money was sent to Europe and Asia to have fake demonstrations and public gathering in support of Farmaajo government, while at home hundreds of people were dying of hunger and water scarcity," said the former officer in the office of Farmaajo who can't be public for security reason. 
"Those dying poor citizens would have been saved by a dollar a day,:" he cried.
The President is also very tribalistic, and his bodyguards mainly hail from Dalal sub-clan within his main Marehan clan.
His political intolerance was also displayed recently after his attack on opposition politicians residence killing six people including a pregnant woman.
Abdurahman Abdishakur Warsame was the politician who was attacked midnight at his residence, six of his bodyguards killed as well as a guest lady.
"The action manifested the political intolerance of Farmaajo and his lack of commitment to democracy. Elders solved that matter which could have led to inter-clan bloodshed," Mohamud Sheikh Yacqub, well known religious personality said. 
The recent nomination of a looter as governor of Mogadishu also dimmed the hope of improving the image of the most unpopular current president.
A rape suspect who was publicly accused by two young ladies of rape and sexual enslavement is the new Mogadishu governor. His name is Abdurahman Osman Yariisow, and special report will take care of his wrongdoing by and local media houses..
Yariisow is just a rubber stamp element placed in the position to simplify how to steal public funds by senior officials. 
Going back to the previous test, the president's popularity was 68% in the early stage of his election.
Fake promises that he will defeat terrorism, revive the economy and will build a strong national army gave an edge to that enthusiasm or support, but all those expectations went to the thin air as his approval rate was down rocketing since then. 
But in the current survey Farmajo popularity is rated 13 to 16 percent, which is lower than his predecessor who ranked below 24 percent.  
Last year Farmajo replaced president Hassan Sheikh Mohamud accused of nepotism and rampant corruption but the two systems made no differences, and that is what is called in Somali "dameer iyo labadiisa dhagood" which means a 'donkey and his two ears.'
Those who assumed the election of Farmaajo as an opportunity now see as a lost momentum.

Sunatimes Staff in Mogadishu did the survey and we thank all 500 people who participated by replying to our questionnaires in the last 30 days.
Lara Wakashow 

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